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Swiss set to match #EU sanctions if #China invades #Taiwan - agency chief

//The head of the Swiss agency that implements economic sanctions expects the neutral country to adopt any punitive measures the #EuropeanUnion launches against China if it invades Taiwan, she said in a newspaper interview.

China has been stepping up military activity around Taiwan seeking to pressure the democratically elected government there to accept Chinese sovereignty...

Asked by the Neue Zuercher Zeitung paper if #Switzerland would adopt EU sanctions against China in that case, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (#SECO) Director Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch said: "I strongly believe that we would adopt such sanctions.//

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Source: Reuters #Jul30

#ChineseInvasion #Sanction #CrossStraits
Chinese rocket falls to Earth, NASA says Beijing did not share information

Source: Malaysia Now #Jul30

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Chinese rocket falls to Earth, NASA says Beijing did not share information

//A Chinese rocket fell back to Earth on Saturday [July 31, 2022] over the Indian Ocean but Nasa said Beijing had not shared the "specific trajectory information" needed to know where possible debris might fall.

US Space Command saidthe Long March 5B rocket re-entered over the Indian Ocean at approximately 12.45pm EDT Saturday (1645 GMT, July 31, 2022), but referred questions about "reentry’s technical aspects such as potential debris dispersal impact location" to China.

"All spacefaring nations should follow established best practices and do their part to share this type of information in advance to allow reliable predictions of potential debris impact risk," NASA administrator Bill Nelson said. "Doing so is critical to the responsible use of space and to ensure the safety of people here on Earth."//

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Source: Malaysia Now #Jul30

#NASA #Space #Earth #ChineseRocket #LongMarch #Wenchang #Damage #InternationalSecurity #Malaysia
Italy minister: joining China's Belt and Road was 'atrocious' decision

Italy made an "improvised and atrocious" decision when it joined China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) four years ago as it did little to boost exports, Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said in an interview published on Sunday.

Italy signed up to the BRI under a previous government, becoming the only major Western country to have taken such a step. Crosetto is part of an administration that is considering how to break free of the agreement.

The BRI scheme envisions rebuilding the old Silk Road to connect China with Asia, Europe and beyond with large infrastructure spending. Critics see it as a tool for China to spread its geopolitical and economic influence.

Source: Reuters #Jul30


#Italy #China #Belt #Road