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Chinese missiles suspected of landing in Japan’s economic zone

//Five ballistic missiles fired by China are believed to have landed in the waters of Japan’s exclusive economic zone (#EEZ) for the first time, Tokyo’s defence minister said.

China held its largest-ever military exercises around Taiwan on Thursday, August 4, 2022, following US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the self-governed island, despite stern warnings from Beijing that the visit should not proceed.

Japan’s EEZ extends up to 200 nautical miles (approximately 370km) from the country’s coastline, beyond the limits of its territorial waters and parts of Japan’s southernmost island region Okinawa are close to Taiwan.

“Five of the nine ballistic missiles launched by China are believed to have landed within Japan’s EEZ,” Japanese defence minister Nobuo Kishi told reporters on Thursday.

Japan has “lodged a protest with China through diplomatic channels”, Kishi said, calling the matter “a serious problem that affects our national security and the safety of our citizens”.

The figure of nine Chinese missiles fired was an assessment by the Japanese side, Kishi said, adding that the five missiles that landed in the EEZ appeared to have splashed down southwest of Okinawa’s Hateruma Island. Kishi said it was the first time that Chinese ballistic missiles had landed in Japan’s EEZ.//

Source: Al-Jazeera #Aug4

#ChineseMissile #Taiwan #PelosiVisit #Japan
China Claims Missiles Struck All Targets Accurately; Japan Claims Missiles Hit Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone

Sources: China Times; UDN #Aug4

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China Claims Missiles Struck All Targets Accurately; Japan Claims Missiles Hit Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone

China had launched missiles at multiple designated zones to the east of Taiwan and had struck all targets accurately, says People's Liberation Army (#PLA) Eastern Theater Rocket Force spokesperson Shi Yi in an announcement in the afternoon of August 4, 2022

These are part of China's announced military exercises from August 4 to 7, 2022, in which its military had designated 6 exercise zones in waters surrounding Taiwan. These are closer to Taiwan than China's military exercises during the 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis.

The same evening, Japan's defense minister Nobuo Kishi told reporters that five of China's ballistic missiles had landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone (#EEZ). He had lodged a protest with the Chinese embassy in Japan, demanding the military exercises be halted immediately.

See also:
Chinese missiles suspected of landing in Japan’s economic zone

The areas China designated for its exercise is within 30km of areas where Japanese fishing vessels regularly operate, according to an announcement by the fishery association of Okinawa’s Hateruma Island. The association issued a warning to the island's fishermen the day before the exercise. "This is much closer than any regular exercises by Taiwan," the association's spokesperson said in a troubled voice. "The PLA is holding an exercise here for the first time. It's hard to say how it would turn out."

Sources: China Times; UDN #Aug4


#ChineseMissile #Taiwan #PelosiVisit #Japan
"7.21: The Unfinished Case": Video Report by #IndependentJournalists Reviews Records of #YuenLongAttack, Victims Speak Up as they Revisit the Scene

Part 2 of 3

Source: InMediaHK.net #Jul21

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"7.21: The Unfinished Case": Video Report by #IndependentJournalists Reviews Records of #YuenLongAttack, Victims Speak Up as they Revisit the Scene

Read Part 1:

Part 2 of 3

Interviewee: "Not a Group Fight, Only Being Assaulted"

The report strings together several scattered video segments, including live reporting by #StandNews, phone videos from citizens, security cameras from nearby shops, as well as videos by the recently-shut-down #FactWire.

The video presented several iconic moments of the night of July 21-22, 2019: men in white shirts distributing bamboo sticks from their vehicles, riot police repeatedly making way for the white shirts to leave by car, police officers patting the shoulders of the white-clad men, pro-Beijing lawmaker #JuniusHo shaking hands with the white men.

The interviewees said that there were over 200 white shirts involved that evening, but only 7 had been convicted of rioting and intentional bodily harm.

Galileo, who agreed to show his face in his interview, remarked that the nature of the 7.21 incident "was not a group fight; it was purely a case of being attacked and assaulted." He believed that there may currently be fewer than 10 people who would be willing to comment on the 7.21 incident, considering the way the government had characterized the incident as well as the law today. However, he insisted on speaking out on his own experiences and thoughts: "I stand by my principle: I say what is true."

Watch "7.21: The Unfinished Case" on YouTube:

The video report also interviewed a shop owner who provided CCTV footage. "I don't want the truth to be drowned," he said. He also remarked that he seem to have been stalked because he accepted the interview, and had to check himself into a hotel in order to stay safe.

Before the camera, he shared that "the feeling of being unsafe now surrounds Hong Kong, including everyone who had spoken up, or had provided evidence, or had taken a stance contrary to the regime's."

"'The truth will eventually prevail,'" he said, almost cynically. "But when is 'eventually'? In ten years? Twenty? Thirty?" He hoped that he would live to see it. He stressed, however, that even though it seems the truth could not prevail now, the chance will be gone if he doesn't speak up.

Source: InMediaHK.net #Jul21

See Also:
3 year mark of the 7.21 Yuen Long attack: when all of Hong Kong watched in horror as police abandoned civilians and sided with the violent mobsters

"Tracing the Source" - 7.21 Yuen Long Attack Investigative Report by Stand News (July 25, 2021)

2.5 years after #721YuenLong Mob Attack: Who Owns the Truth Now in 2022 Hong Kong? (Jan 21, 2022)

#AntiELAB #BaoChoy #721YuenLong #YuenLongAttack #NeverForget
Chinese Prison Penalises Hongkonger for "Failing" Mindset, Lawyer: May Loss Communication Right

Source: InMedia #Jul28

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Chinese Prison Penalises Hongkonger for "Failing" Mindset, Lawyer: May Loss Communication Right

#TangKaiYin, one of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who tried to flee to Taiwan but was captured by the Chinese authorities, is serving a prison sentence in Conghua in China.

His family in Hong Kong said they had not received any letters from him since February, 2022, and he did not collect letters sent to him.

Tang's brother checked the prison's online system yesterday and found that Tang still has a few transactions in June and July, 2021. But his prison score was deducted twice for "violating the rule," including "failing to pass the ideological, cultural and technical learning assessment for that month."

A China human rights lawyer, who has assisted these 12 Hongkongers, told #InMedia that prisoners who are not willing to plead guilty or "accept the mind conversion" might be forbidden from receiving letters and may be further deprived of consumption or communication rights.

According to the lawyer's analysis, not receiving letters, in this case, may not be related to plead of guilt, as Tang had already been sentenced earlier. It is more likely because he doesn't change his mind, "something like indoctrination, perhaps some kind of non-cooperation," he said.

In addition, prisoners sent to prison hospitals due to illness or physical punishment would not be allowed to receive or write letters, "It is also possible that he cannot write letters because of his health condition," the lawyer explained.

Source: InMedia #Jul28

#12Hongkongers #China #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliceState #HumanRights #ThoughtPolice
"7.21: The Unfinished Case": Video Report by #IndependentJournalists Reviews Records of #YuenLongAttack, Victims Speak Up as they Revisit the Scene

Part 3 of 3

Source: InMediaHK.net #Jul21

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"7.21: The Unfinished Case": Video Report by #IndependentJournalists Reviews Records of #YuenLongAttack, Victims Speak Up as they Revisit the Scene

Read Part 1:

Part 3 of 3

Production Team: "Awaiting the Day when the Full Truth is Revealed"

The production team consisted of several anonymous independent journalists, including Bao Choy, who was a former RTHK producer of the Hong Kong Connection episode "7.21: Who Owns the Truth", and had been convicted by the authorities for making false statements in the process of routine investigation of records when producing the episode.

Watch "7.21: The Unfinished Case" on YouTube:

The team emphasized that they did not belong to any media organization, and did not have a news platform. They thanked various independent media for their efforts in sharing the production. As independent journalists, they said, the team did not have salary or sufficient resources, but nevertheless completed the production and held to their professional principles.

They spoke of an interviewee who had been stalked for providing security camera footage, and had to live in fear of retribution. However, they had no regrets for bringing the evidence to light. Another interviewee described the process of seeking the truth was like continuously running into dead ends, but insisted on "continuing to do whatever I can."

The team saluted the interviewees: "They clearly understood that in these circumstances, very few people still dared to speak up publicly about the 7.21 attack. Yet they are still willing to be named and be interviewed on camera."

There were some among the truth-seekers who had been forced to leave the city, while others chose to stay. However, the team said, they are all waiting for the day when the full truth is revealed.

Their goal in producing this report, they said, was only to "put on record more evidence of this serious incident of assault."

Source: InMediaHK.net #Jul21

See Also:
3 year mark of the 7.21 Yuen Long attack: when all of Hong Kong watched in horror as police abandoned civilians and sided with the violent mobsters

"Tracing the Source" - 7.21 Yuen Long Attack Investigative Report by Stand News (July 25, 2021)

2.5 years after #721YuenLong Mob Attack: Who Owns the Truth Now in 2022 Hong Kong? (Jan 21, 2022)

#AntiELAB #BaoChoy #721YuenLong #YuenLongAttack #NeverForget
Hong Kong court quashes decision to enforce reporting ban on activist’s national security case in landmark ruling

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Aug2

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Hong Kong court quashes decision to enforce reporting ban on activist’s national security case in landmark ruling

//Reporting restrictions on proceedings regarding the transfer of criminal cases to the High Court must be lifted if the defendant makes such a request, a Hong Kong court has ruled.

The landmark judgement, which could extend to cases prosecuted under the national security law, came after activist #ChowHangTung challenged a magistrate’s decision to retain reporting restrictions in a national security case.

In a ruling published on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, High Court Judge Alex Lee said that magistrates had no say in whether to lift reporting restrictions on committal proceedings if the accused had applied to do so.

Chow, along with the Alliance, and the group’s former leaders #LeeCheukYan and #AlbertHo, were charged under the Beijing-imposed #NationalSecurityLaw over alleged incitement to subversion.

The Alliance, before it was disbanded in September last year, organised Hong Kong’s annual candlelight vigils commemorating victims of the #TiananmenCrackdown, where it is estimated that hundreds, perhaps thousands, died when the People’s Liberation Army cracked down on protesters in #Beijing on June 4, 1989.//

Read the full article:

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Aug2

#Alliance #PoliceState #Censorship #JudicialReview #NSL
#China's ambassador to #France says #Taiwanese will be 'reeducated' after annexation

Source: Taiwan News #Aug3

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#China's ambassador to #France says #Taiwanese will be 'reeducated' after annexation

//China's Ambassador to France Lu Shaye (盧沙野) on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 claimed that Beijing would impose reeducation after it annexes Taiwan, drawing international criticism, including denouncements by Uyghur activists.

During an interview with French station #BFMTV to discuss U.S. House Speaker #NancyPelosi's visit to Taiwan, Lu described her trip as an “unnecessary provocation” that had “created a lot of danger." He claimed that China's live-fire drills were "responding to a provocation" — alluding to Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.

Referring to Taiwanese aversion to Chinese annexation, Lu said: “Ten years ago, 20 years ago, the majority of the population of Taiwan was for reunification, but why, now, are they against it? It’s because the Democratic Progressive Party has spread a lot of anti-Chinese propaganda."

However, according to the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University, there has never been a majority of Taiwanese who supported unification since polls began on the question in 1994.

Lu then said the possibility of a military invasion of Taiwan "is still there" but added the assault would "not be against the population of Taiwan." He then vowed that "after reunification, we will do reeducation."

The ambassador said the reeducation campaign would be peaceful and "not under threat." He then tried to reassure Taiwanese that it would not take the form of "mass" education.//

Read the full article:


Source: Taiwan News #Aug3

#CrossStraits #Beijing #Taiwan
The US Government advises their citizen "DO NOT TRAVEL" to Hong Kong due to a high risk of arbitrarily enforcing local laws.

#NSL #BasicLaw #China #US #GoHKgraphics
Hong Kong's First case charged by #NationalAnthemOrdinance for holding the British Hong Kong flag

Source: Inmedia #July22

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Hong Kong's First case charged by
#NationalAnthemOrdinance for holding the British Hong Kong flag

In 2021, Hong Kong athlete Cheung Ka-Long won a gold medal on foil fencing at the Tokyo Olympic Games. The livestream of the game gathered people at a shopping mall in Kwun Tong on the day of the finals on July 26, 2021.

Police investigation followed, as the police claimed that some people misbehaved when the Chinese national anthem was played.

The police arrested an online media journalist, for reportedly holding a British Hong Kong flag when the Chinese national anthem was heard.

The man is the first Hong Kong citizen being arrested under #NationalAnthemOrdinance. He was being charged for insulting the national flag after a year of the event.

The case was first trialed on the afternoon of July 22, 2022. Since the counsel of the defendent requested more time to obtain the documents from prosecutor, Judge #LauSukHan approved the request and schedule the trial to September 9, 2022.

The defendant was allowed to go on bail with $5000. He has to hand in his travel documents and report at the police station once a week.

Source: Inmedia #July22

#Olympics2020 #TokyoOlympics #CheungKaLong #BritishHongKongFlag #HongKongFlag #DragonandLionFlag
#Censorship #Whitewash
#Map showing the missiles fired by China towards Taiwan

As of August 4, 2022, according to the Defence Ministry of Taiwan, China has launched 11 Dongfeng ballistic missiles into waters near the northern, southern and eastern coasts of Taiwan, following U.S. house speaker #NancyPelosi's visit to Taiwan.

Read more:

One day ago on August 3, Japan's #DefenceMinistry also reported 9 ballistic missiles fired by China.

The image shows the trajectory and the landing location of the 9 ballistic missiles (see numbers) reported by Japan's Defence Ministry. The area in red indicated the affected territory in August 2022, while in grey was the area affected by China during the 1995-1996 cross-straits crisis.

Among them, 9 missiles were said to have landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone (#EEZ), east of Taiwan, and 4 have flown over #Taiwan (see missiles no. 6-9 on the map)

Image: Pourqoui #Aug5
7 young activists sentenced to 10 months in jail in Hong Kong after serving in Chinese prison

Source: Inmedia #Jul15

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7 young activists sentenced to 10 months in jail in Hong Kong after serving in Chinese prison

The #12HongKongers who intended to abscond to #Taiwan reportedly in August 2020 were arrested and detained by PRC's marine police for secretly crossing the border.

Up til July 2022, 2 of these 12 Hongkongers are still being detained in China while 9 were charged for #ObstructionofJustice when they returned to Hong Kong after serving their sentence in China.

Amonh them, Wong Wai-Yin were charged with the #CrimeofExplosives instead of Obstruction of Justice. Hoang Lam Phuc and the others have pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 10 months in jail at the District Court in Hong Kong on July 15, 2022.

Li Chi-yin, who is serving 3.5 years in prison, was added 7 months in jail.

Temporary judge Wong Hing-Wai Newman claimed that their behaviour shows their ignorance and intention to challenge to Hong Kong judicial system.

The judge describes the case as the "first in history" that the Department of Justice charges people who do not return to detention on time for Obstruction of Justice. He says it is a pity to sentence these young defendants after reading their petition letters, but "rules are rules".

Source: Inmedia #Jul15

#Save12 #HoangLamPhuc #LiuTszMan #AndyLiYuHin #ChengTszHo #CheungChunFu #CheungMingYu #YimManHim #LeeTszYin #KokTszLun #WongWaiYin #TangKaiYin #QuinnMoon
Pelosi's Taiwan visit attracts condemnation from Hong Kong Chief Executive and government officials.

#Pelosi #Taiwan #ChinaUS #GoHKgraphics
Kiwi CHOW, Director of <Revolution of Our Times>: I would sacrifice myself for justice, movie is only a path

By Translated by Guardians of Hong Kong December 28, 2021 • 30 December 2021

At the age of 18, when he already abandoned school life for three years, Chow asked himself how much he would sacrifice for movies. With weak English and poor HKCEE (HK Certificate of Education Examination) results, he was standing at a crossroad in his life. The question was “Should I return to school and try to get into the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and learn how to make movies (which I love so much)? Or should I abandon this path?”. “It seemed that I must do something most painful (take examinations) before something I will…

 Source: InMediaHK.net #Nov28

Author: LEUNG Ho-yee

#Documentary #Movie #ChowKwunWai #RevolutionOfOurTimes

Full Story:
