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#Beijing Attempts to Silence Consulates' June 4th Commemoration in Hong Kong

On the eve of June 4th, Beijing's foreign affairs office in Hong Kong sent warning to different consulates, asking them not to "make any gesture" on June 4, 2022.

June 4th 2022 marks the 33 year-mark of the Tiananmen Massacre in Beijing, where the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) government brutally cracked down pro-democracy civilians in 1989.

Commemorative events such as candlelight vigil had been annually held in Hong Kong until the enforcement of the #NationalSecurityLaw in 2020.

Beijing's office claimed that the commemorative activities in Hong Kong were organized by "a small fraction of anti-China people with hostility towards the Chinese government". According to CCP, there is "no need to remember June 4th".

On June 4, 2022, the US consulate and the Australia consulate in Hong Kong posted the Pillar of Shame and a candlelight image on their social media platform respectively, in commemoration of the victims of the 1989 June 4th Tiananmen Massacre. The Polish Consulate-general fearured candles in their social media post. Both the US consulate-general and the #EuropeanUnion office in Hong Kong lit candles on their windows.

Source: Lady Liberty; Mingpao; InMedia #June4




#Remembrance #Censorship #PoliticalSuppression
Swiss set to match #EU sanctions if #China invades #Taiwan - agency chief

//The head of the Swiss agency that implements economic sanctions expects the neutral country to adopt any punitive measures the #EuropeanUnion launches against China if it invades Taiwan, she said in a newspaper interview.

China has been stepping up military activity around Taiwan seeking to pressure the democratically elected government there to accept Chinese sovereignty...

Asked by the Neue Zuercher Zeitung paper if #Switzerland would adopt EU sanctions against China in that case, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (#SECO) Director Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch said: "I strongly believe that we would adopt such sanctions.//

Read more:

Source: Reuters #Jul30

#ChineseInvasion #Sanction #CrossStraits
TikTok Pushed Chinese Propaganda Ads To Millions Across Europe

Source: Forbes #Jul27

#Tiktok #EuropeanUnion #DigitalServicesAct #CCP #Propaganda #Xinjiang

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TikTok Pushed Chinese Propaganda Ads To Millions Across Europe

TikTok has served up a flood of ads from Chinese state propaganda outlets to millions of Europeans in recent months, according to a new ad library published by the company on July 20. The promotions range in topic from defenses of Chinese Covid-19 lockdowns to adorable cats playing on the Great Wall of China to efforts to recast the country's Xinjiang region — where it has persecuted and detained more than one million mostly Muslim Uyghurs — as a spectacular tourist destination.

An analysis of the ad library conducted by Forbes showed that as of Wednesday, July 26, more than 1,000 ads from Chinese state media outlets like People’s Daily and CGTN have run on the platform since October 2022. They have been served to millions of users across Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The ad library does not yet display data on ads presented to users in the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries outside of Europe.

Much of the content advertised by China state media on TikTok focused on frequent talking points from its TV, radio and print outlets that tout China’s economy, technology and cultural heritage. References to Xinjiang, where the U.S. government have branded the Chinese government’s campaign of mass repression, imprisonment and “reeducation” as a genocide, appeared in 92 of the 124 adverts promoted by one state media account.

Full article from Forbes:

#Jul27 #Tiktok #EuropeanUnion #DigitalServicesAct #CCP #Propaganda #Xinjiang