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#ChrisPatten on How #CCP Changed #HongKong: "Theyā€™ve broken their word, as Iā€™m afraid they do regularly"

The last UK governor of Hong Kong, #lChris Patten, blames the #ChineseCommunistParty for the city's malaise.

Patten, 78, who holds the title Baron Patten of Barnes and serves as chancellor of the #UniversityofOxford, spoke the Amelia Loi of RFA Cantonese about the changes in Hong Kong as the July 1 25th anniversary of the #handover approaches.

In the interview, Patten was asked to assess the changes in Hong Kong in the 25 years since the handove. Patten said, "Hong Kong was an exceptionally successful community ā€“ā€“the eighth largest trading community in the world and we never had the sort of demonstrations which have affected Hong Kong in the last few years. I had very much hoped it would continue as long as possible and the Chinese had promised that it would continue for 50 years. Theyā€™ve broken their word, as Iā€™m afraid they do regularly. They break their word. They break international treaties whenever it suits them. And I think thatā€™s happening again this time."

Patten also said, "the fact that the independence movement has grown in Hong Kong is an indication of how badly China has behaved and how little people actually trust China today. Itā€™s an extraordinary thing that so few people are actually proud of Hong Kong being part of China now. Thereā€™s a great sense of Hong Kong citizenship, and thereā€™s a great sense that people are Hong Kongers but only a small number think of themselves as Chinese."

Read the full interview:

Source: RFA #Jun26
Illustration: #RebelPepper
HK Authorities Propose Real Name Registration and #HealthCode System like China's

Hong Kong's Secretary for Heath #LoChungMau said on July 11, 2022 that the government had plans to introduce a three-colour ā€˜health codeā€™ system in the city, bringing the app in line with China's system.

It would be an additional function to #LeaveHomeSafe, the government's COVID contact-tracing app. Lo mentioned that reference was sought from the health code systems used China. He also claimed that it was important to implement real name registration.

[Editor's note: Since the LeaveHomeSafe app has been made compulsory by the authorities in Hong Kong, many citizens expressed concerns over its privacy issues. The health code system in China has been long regarded as a #MassSurveillance campaign of the #ChineseCommunistParty government.]

Source: InMediaHK.net #Jul11

see also:
LeaveHomeSafe app has built-in facial detection module, Hong Kong government admits

Down with the live-with-COVID believers (Satire)

#PrivacyBreach #Freedom #Authoritarianism
Hong Kong's ā€œNational Education Calendarā€ suggests discussing #ChineseCommunistParty development and watching three "patriotic anti-Japanese" films a year

Source: In-Media HK #Aug02

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Hong Kong's ā€œNational Education Calendarā€ suggests discussing #ChineseCommunistParty development and watching three "patriotic anti-Japanese" films a year

In a letter to all primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Education Bureau (#EDB) "strongly recommended" schools to "fully and systematically" implement learning activities for #NationalSecurityEducation.

The bureau attached a calendar of "important dates" on the national education curriculum, as well as suggested learning activities for each. These recommendations include watching patriotic or anti-Japanese war movies on three memorial dates related to the anti-Japanese war; holding memorial ceremonies on "mourning day for Nanjing Massacre Victims"; celebrating the "102nd Anniversary of the founding of the #CCP" with discussions on the Party's development, etc.

The EDB had also made it mandatory for all primary and secondary schools to fly the Chinese flag on all school days, as well as to hold a weekly flag-raising ceremony, complete with singing the Chinese national anthem. Secretary of Education Christine Choi says that, as the youth is the future pillars of society, schools must instill in students the concept of the nation, as well as national identity and pride, in order to develop them into a new generation of "knowledgeable, responsible youths who love the country and love Hong Kong".

[Editor's notes: Many China-produced television dramas and films about fighting the Japanese during World War 2 are characterized by their nationalistic nature. They are also known for "over-the-top violence and implausible plot events." For more information, check out this report by Hong Kong Free Press:

Patriotic comedies? Japanese author compiles an encyclopaedia of Chinese anti-Japan dramas
https://hongkongfp.com/2018/05/06/patriotic-comedies-japanese-author-compiles-encyclopaedia-chinese-anti-japan-dramas/ ]

Source: In-Media HK #Aug02

#Education #EducationBureau #NationalSecurityLaw #AntiJapan #Brainwashing #Nationalism
Hong Kong Schools Schedule National Security Education Activities, Mainland Exchange Tours

Following the Education Bureau's (#EDB) push to increase emphasis on "Citizenship and National Security Education", many Hong Kong schools have scheduled numerous activities around patriotic topics.

Read more:
Hong Kong's ā€œNational Education Calendarā€ suggests discussing #ChineseCommunistParty development and watching three "patriotic anti-Japanese" films a year

According to the "Primary School Profiles 2022" published by the EDB in September, these activities include exchange trips with schools in mainland China and quiz competitions. Out of the 500-plus primary schools in Hong Kong, 59 will be organizing flag-raising teams this year.

HKFEW Wong Cho Bau School, run by the pro-Beijing Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers (#HKFEW), plans to establish exchange tours with sister schools in mainland China. The school aims to "deepen the students' knowledge of the history and culture of the motherland" through poetry reading, studying Chinese music and water painting.

Alliance Primary School in Kowloon Tong, ranked among the top primary schools in the city, will host a "Life in the Mainland Experience Tour" in primary year 5, "to let students gain a deeper understanding of student life in poorer areas, and to learn to give and be thankful". ELCHK Hung Hom Lutheran Primary School will have "scholarship tours", sending students abroad on exchanges with sister schools in places such as Canada and Beijing, so they could learn more about the world and the motherland. Several schools belonging to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals will also participate in the EDB's mainland exchange program.

Many schools have followed the EDB's suggested calendars and planned events on "important dates". ELCHK Faith Love Lutheran School explains: "Through activities such as Nanjing Massacre memorial day, constitution day, flag-raising ceremonies, and Speeches under the National Flag, students will learn National Security Education, and develop their concept of their country and respect for rule of law."

[editor's note: "Speeches under the National Flag" is a routine part of flag-raising ceremonies in China's schools, featuring speeches by teachers and outstanding students, as well as individuals deemed "model workers" by the Communist Party. The practice is prescribed under China's National Flag Law, so that students from kindergarten onward could "develop a sense of duty to love the country."]

In addition to events on "important dates", many schools are integrating national security education into their regular curriculum. Diocesan Girls' Junior School and SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School are among the schools who stated this intention.

source: In-Media HK #Sep04


#NationalEducation #NationalSecurityLaw #NationalFlagLaw #Education #Mainlandization