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令人震驚的 #克隆 類型: #光明會 的傑作

1. 真正的克隆:在受控環境中繁殖的人類,具有與另一個人相同的基因組成,無論是在被稱為「體外」的試管中生長,還是植入子宮,真正的克隆都是一個聽起來很奇妙的過程。

2. #合成人 :這些生物是用從牛等來源提取的組織製成的,在肉眼看來是驚人的真實,合成人並非天生,而是被製造出來的,就像科幻小說中的故事一樣。

3. #有機機器人 :有機 #機器人 超越了常見的克隆和合成生物,代表了人類模仿的巔峰,利用先進的技術,強大的精英階層可以製作出有影響力人物的複製品,完美地複製他們。

4. #替身 (長相相似的人):精英階層利用古老的諺語「世界上有七個人長得像你,他們要麼尋找,要麼故意為著名人物製造長相相似的人。」

The Alarming Types of #Clone s: #Illuminati 's Masterplay

1. Actual Clones: Humans bred in controlled environments, bearing an identical genetic composition to another individual. Whether grown in test tubes known as "in vitro" or implanted in a womb, actual clones are a process as fantastical as it sounds.

2. #SyntheticPeople : These beings, made with tissues extracted from sources like cattle, are astoundingly real to the naked eye. Synthetic people aren't born--they're made, stepping out of a sci-fi novel into reality.

3. #OrganicRobotoid s: Moving beyond common cloning and synthetic beings, Organic #Robotoid s represent the pinnacle of human imitation. Leveraging advanced technology, the powerful elite can craft copies of influential people that mirror them to perfection.

4. #Double s (Look-alikes): The elite capitalize on the age-old adage, 'There are seven people in the world who look like you, by either finding or deliberately creating look-alikes for notable personalities.

來源: 時間 53:40 https://publielectoral.lat/HkGreatAwakening/13018

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