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NSWHK將於今年5-6月在英進行「起來,向極權說不!」一連串對抗極權活動, 揭視中共實屬極權世界一分子的本質,呼籲每個人以行動來對抗。



Sign the petition now:

#Nottingham #Ningbo #NeverTrustCCP #Russia #EvilCCP #聯署 #petition
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The CCP has 58 German twin cities, exerting soft infiltration and influence on local governments. Looking at how they have ‘helped’ Ukraine, which as well has twin cities with China, we have created an online petition asking these cities to terminate the agreements.

Sign here: chng.it/TpTqVVHKxj

Post on IG @hongkongersingermany
#Germany #Petition #聯署 #姐妹城市 #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP
Sever the sister city relationship with China.

#姊妹城巿 #Petition #聯署 #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #斷絕關係
In light of the aggressive Chinese military maneuvers around 🇹🇼, we once again call on everyone to sign & share the global petition to sever the sister relationship with China!

Petition: https://linktr.ee/severchinacities

Source: IG @hongkongersingermany
#Petition #Germany #姊妹城市 #boycottchina #CCPVirus #聯署 #SisterCity #NeverTrustCCP
831活動 - 有誰願意走下去?
Source: IG @nottsstandwithhk

Thank you all for coming today.

As an overseas Hongkonger, we treasure the freedom we have. We should stay united in this difficult time and keep reflecting on ourselves. We are looking for new ways to sustain the social movement and support the Hongkongers who are still under siege.


We continue our calls to Nottingham city council to de-twin with the Sister city Ningbo by sending petition letters. For who did not join us today, you can find the template in the google form we provide in our social media.

我們繼續以寫信致諾定咸區議員,呼籲諾定咸市盡早與寧波脫離姊妹城市關係。希望大家繼續關注支持,若未填寫,可於本Facebook所提供的Google form索取請願信內容範本。

Petition letter template:

#Nottingham #毋忘831 #抗爭三年 #SisterCity #Ningbo #姊妹城市 #寧波 #petition
🇬🇧 10.1 英國聯合行動-斷絕姊姊城市活動
🇬🇧 10.1 UK Detwin with China Joint Action


On the 73th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, several Hong Kong activist groups across the UK cities launched a UK Joint Action of severing sister city relationship with China to resist this totalitarian regime. There are 14 participating cities.

Source: @globaldetwinwithchina
#姊妹城巿 #Petition #聯署 #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottChina #賀佢老母 #TakeDownTheCCP #sistercity

Sign up here 聯署表格:

[Urgent Appeal to Sign Up Joint Statement of Manchester Hongkongers and Organisations on Violent Attack of Peaceful Protestors at Chinese Consulate in Manchester: 16 October 2022]





我們懇切要求英國外交部( Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office)以及外相 James Cleverly MP 立即立案調查涉事中國領使館職員有否違反英國法律及國際法。



#聯署 #Petition #曼城 #Manchester #捍衛港人連線 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大
唔洗postcode, 用email注冊account就ok🙏

聯署: democracy.sheffield.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=10266

Sheffiled Council 的官方聯署網站簽名支持Sheffield與鞍山成都立即斷絕姊妹城市關係!

#Sheffield #聯署 #petition #賀佢老母 #姊妹城市 #globaldetwinwithchina #seversistercitytieswithchina #SisterCity #反極權 #saynotoccp #boycottchina #CCPVirus #NeverTrustCCP
Cancel inviting Donnie Yen who supports human rights abuses as a presenter for the Oscars.


Donnie Yen is a supporter of the Chinese Communist regime and has made several remarks in support of the Chinese government's policies, including supporting the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and accusing Hong Kong protesters of being rioters. These remarks not only violate the spirit of freedom of speech but also deny the rights of the people of Hong Kong to fight for their freedom and democracy.

We demand that the Oscars Committee reconsider this decision and cancel the invitation of Donnie Yen as a presenter for the Oscars. Let us work together to uphold human rights and moral values, and make the Oscars a truly respectful award.

#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政
Poster design for boycott Donnie Yen @DonnieYenCT

In recent interview, John Wick 4 actor Yen called Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement 2019 "a riot" and attack West media on China report.

Join petition: Cancel inviting Donnie Yen for Oscars.

Art by 巴丢草 @badiucao
#johnwick4 #Oscars #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #DonnieYen #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政

Petition: https://chng.it/YFPf7mVwdT



Posted by @long6ciu4
#OscarAwards #聯署 #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #中國全國政協 #王丹 #王軍濤
截至今日為止,在change.org上聯署要求奧斯卡主辦單位取消邀請甄子丹擔任頒獎嘉賓的簽名數目已愈十萬個,亦獲得CNN, VICE, BBC等外媒大幅報導;但奧斯卡主辦單位對要求仍然毫無回應。本台翻查資料,本屆奧斯卡是史上第一次邀請中國政協委員作為頒獎嘉賓。

美籍華人、電影制片人楊燕子於上年8月3日,成為奧斯卡頒獎禮主辦單位電影與藝術學院 (The Academy)首個華裔主席。而在過去3年間她也一直是學院的董事會成員,並由21年起擔任副主席、亞裔協會聯合主席等職。


全文: https://www.instagram.com/p/CprNqibsI0C
Source: IG @hkladyliberty

#聯署 #奧斯卡 #OscarAwards #petition #甄子丹 #媚共偽人 #殺神4 #反送中運動 #反修例 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #中國全國政協 #政協委員 #johnwick4 #Oscars #DonnieYen
聯署 SIGN NOW: https://chng.it/9tZVdt9D5b

Source: IG @ngodeiorg 我地 NGO DEI

我地 (NGO DEI) 對香港警方的行動深表關注和憤怒,警方以「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」為藉口沒收象徵民主和人權的「國殤之柱」,這令人深感不安,並對香港藝術自由狀況嚴重質疑。

NGO DEI (我地) expresses our deep concern and outrage over the actions of the Hong Kong police, which saw the seizure of the "Pillar of Shame" monument, a powerful symbol of democracy and human rights. The fact that the police used the pretext of an "“incitement to subversion”" case to justify their actions is deeply troubling and raises serious questions about the state of artistic freedom in Hong Kong.

#returnthepillar #PillarOfShame #國殤之柱 #國安法 #藝術自由 #高志活 #聯署 #petition #天安門事件 #毋忘六四 #抹不走歷史
1 Person 1 Letter Campaign
// IG @aqua_hkbusuexco


The platform is currently calling on all teachers, students, alumni, and concerned citizens to write to the Student Affairs Office of Hong Kong Baptist University, urging the school to withdraw its punishment against members of the student union.

Template 範本:

#請願信 #聯署 #petition #浸大 #學生會 #HKBU #和你寫 #和你寄 #民主自由無價



連結: https://linktr.ee/aqua_hkbusuexco

#請願信 #聯署 #petition #浸大 #學生會 #HKBU #和你寫 #和你寄 #民主自由無價 #年輕不是罪

Credit: @harbouroffreedom
停止Funding及關閉孔子學院,促請英國首相Rishi Sunak守諾言!

Please sign ✍️ https://chng.it/rtfYf5vKcR

#孔子學院 #RishiSunak #UK #petition #聯署