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URGENT CALLING BRISTOL HKERS Support @hkidforce in Manchester

Posted on IG @bristolstandswithhongkong

On 16/10 outside Chinese Consulate in Manchester, there was a peaceful protest against Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. Half a dozen consulate generals and officers trashed the protest signs, illegally captured and dragged a protestor into the consulate area and brutally beaten him up. A brave and righteous police officer entered the consulate and assisted other protestors to save the victim. At least four of the assaulters were identified as Chinese consulate ambassadors and officers.

We will not tolerate this barbarian and ridiculous mistreat to anyone. Come out and support Hongkongers, sign the joint statement to condemn the Chinese Consulate in Manchester!

#BRISTOL #香港人集結 #曼城 #Manchester #捍衛港人連線 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患
無懼極權打壓 捍衛言論自由

2022年10月16日,和平香港示威者被中國駐英國曼徹斯特領事館人員於曼徹斯特強行襲擊、擄入領事館範圍內圍毆。為表示對中共低劣暴力行為的強烈譴責及表達對英國手足的支持,有手足計劃於10月22日(六) 早上10點半至11點半溫哥華中領館門外示威。大家一齊支持,各位請自備文宣! 星期六早上見!

#溫哥華 #Canada #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP

Source: t.me/VanActivistsHKChannel

日期:23-10-2022 13:00-15:00(星期日)
地點:Jubilee Clock Tower
Jubilee Clock Tower, B2066, Brighton BN1 3GJ

Source: fb.com/100024792553551/posts/1130110257825382

#Brighton #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP

Assembly details are as below:
Date: 23 October 2022
Time: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Old Market Square, Nottingham, NG1 2DT

Source: fb.com/NottsStandsWithHK/photos/a.361188358625859/859374715473885

#Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP
香港示威者早前在英國駐曼徹斯特總領館外示威,和領館人員爆發衝突,一名示威者被拖入領館範圍毆打,總領事鄭曦原更扯示威者頭髮,引發外交風波;鄭曦原 19 日接受英國《天空新聞》訪問,先是稱自己無襲擊人行為和平﹐被記者直指他說謊他有扯人頭髮,他解釋是因為對方侮辱自己的國家和領袖,「我認為這是我的責任(I think its my duty

報導: @renews_hk

#曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患
中國駐曼城總領事認扯示威者頭髮:I think it’s my duty

@channelchk 全文: https://bit.ly/3s8vnMf

早前有居英港人在中共二十大召開期間,前往中國駐英國曼徹斯特總領館外示威,其間一批疑為領事館職員搶走示威物品,引發雙方衝突,有示威者被人拖入領事館範圍內圍毆。中國駐曼城總領事鄭曦原被指有份破壞示威標語及扯事威者Bob Chan頭髮,鄭昨日(19日)接受《天空新聞》訪問時,回應指:「因為他侮辱我的國家和領袖,我認為我有義務去扯他的頭髮(He abused my country, my leader, I think it is my duty)。」

#天空新聞 訪問節錄:
鄭曦原:I don’t attack anybody, I am just peacefully
記者:That’s not true though, isn’t Consul-General, you pulled the man’s hair
鄭曦原:Yeah, the man because he abused my country, my leader, I think it is my duty
記者:To pull his hair?
鄭曦原:Yeah, I think any diplomat, if faced with such kind of behavior

#UK #Manchester #曼徹斯特 #鄭曦原 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患


因此,「Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong」發起人鏈行動,希望讓更多本地人了解今次暴力事件,以及中共怎樣損害英國公民的言論及人身自由。詳情如下:

10月23日 (星期日)11:00 -13:00
人鏈起點:Broad Street Primark對出

Source: @readingukstandswithhk
#Reading #雷丁 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP
💥緊急召喚💥 💥請廣傳伯明翰要人💥
💥Emergency Call for Support in Birmingham💥

Condemn Consulate General of China in Manchester for Beating Hong Kong Protesters - Human Chain Operation Against Violence

Date: 23 October 2022 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm - 5pm
Venue: Birmingham Town Centre High Street B4 7SL (Outside Primark)

Source: @birmingham.hongkongers
#Birmingham #伯明翰 #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP


On 23 October, over 300 people stood silently at Old Market Square. In addition to expressing solidarity with those who were attacked in Manchester, we can also see the seriousness of the CCP’s foreign interference and political infiltration to the UK. So we should continue to initiate our petition, hoping that the Parliament can face up to and monitor threats posed by the CCP to the world, and re-examine whether they should continue to maintain sister-city relations with China.

Posted on IG @nottsstandwithhk

#Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP
0201 #加拿大 #多倫多 #中國領事館 #聲援曼城示威

加拿大多倫多有逾百人於中國領事館外示威,聲援早前於英國曼徹斯特被扯入中國領事館內圍毆的港人。現場有人一度焚燒中國國旗,並舉起「打7中共」等各式抗議標語,亦有人揮舞「香港獨立」及「光復香港 時代革命」旗幟。

Source: #香港台
超過170名港人響應Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong (IG @readingukstandswithhk) 的緊急呼籲,自備英文文宣到雷丁市中心,築成人鏈並默站兩小時,向本地市民講解上星期中國駐曼城領事館人員把和平示威者拉入館內圍毆的事件,並呼籲他們向國會議員反映對事件的關注。


#Reading #曼城遇襲 #爛仔外交 #戰狼外交 #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP


On 23 October, over 300 people stood silently at Old Market Square. In addition to expressing solidarity with those who were attacked in Manchester, we can also see the seriousness of the CCP’s foreign interference and political infiltration to the UK. So we should continue to initiate our petition, hoping that the Parliament can face up to and monitor threats posed by the CCP to the world, and re-examine whether they should continue to maintain sister-city relations with China.

Posted on IG @nottsstandwithhk

#Nottingham #UK #曼城 #Manchester #中國領事館 #賀佢老母 #二十大 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP

如果計劃順利進行,該大使館將成為全球最大型的外交基地之一。它將比倫敦南部沃克斯豪爾的新美國大使館大三分之一。保守黨前領導人史密夫爵士告訴《泰晤士報》:「在曼城事件發生後,我們要密切留意中國的一舉一動。中國不再是良性的。(China is no longer benign.)」根據該報數據,在 2010 年時,只有 94 名中國官員居住在英國,但在十年間增加至 116 人。意味有 116 隻中國「戰狼」持有英國外交豁免權,當中大部份居於倫敦。

同文報導: cmmns.co/gzzfn

#戰狼外交 #領事館 #中國領事館 #支共禍患 #SayNoToChina #NeverTrustCCP #TakeDownCCP #UK