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我們非常遺憾得知,曾參與二戰時期香港保衛戰,及後被押往戰俘營,最後一名在世的加拿大溫尼伯榴彈兵團退伍老兵Mr. George Peterson 辭世,享年100歲。

We sadly learnt of the passing of Mr. George Peterson, the last surviving Winnipeg Grenadier who was a prisoner of war during the Battle of Hong Kong, at the age of 100.

In the Second World War, Canada sent a force of 1,975, including two battalions (the Winnipeg Grenadiers and the Royal Rifles of Canada), to help defend the Crown Colony.

Mr. Peterson made it his life's mission to make people aware of the suffering and humiliation experienced by prisoners of war. He had been interviewed numerous times over the years to discuss his almost four years of internment. He received the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation in 2009 for his outstanding volunteer service to the veteran community.

We wish to offer our most sincere condolences to Mr. Peterson's family.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/hkvcacanada/posts/177921547755683

Photo Courtesy: Veterans Affairs Canada

#LestWeForget #BattleOfHongKong #WorldWarII
2022年 #重光紀念日 #LiberationDay
如果你記得這一天,可以按自己行程,到中環和平紀念碑 / 香港大會堂紀念花園神龕默哀一會,亦可獻一束鮮花,以表心意。



#BattleOfHongKong #香港歷史 #英殖香港 #香港保衛戰

Credit: Watershed Hong Kong facebook