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美國當地3月15日,美國參議院外交關係委員會的 Jim Risch 委員 和 Bob Menendez 主席帶領38位誇黨派參議員提出一項決議,譴責北京摧毀香港的民主和法治、及以政治檢控迫害黎智英和其他民主派人士。

委員Jim Risch 說:「2020年所頒布的《香港國家安全法》剷除了中國和香港最後的分別。香港政府必須停止以無中生有的罪名政治檢控黎智英和陳日君樞機。 這項決議呼籲釋放所有被錯誤檢控的政治犯,並鼓勵美國政府和盟友使用所有可用手段來追究北京和香港政府的責任。」

主席Bob Menendez 說:「中國可恥地在拆解香港的自治權,我很自豪與這麼多同事一起重申我們對黎智英和其他民主派人士、人權活動家、記者和其他被迫害的香港公民的堅定支持。 美國參議院正以兩黨的方式走到一起,我們仍然明確地與盟友團結一致高舉言論自由、人身安全和基本人權的價值。在我們繼續努力加強美國對華政策的各個方面時,我期待著確保這兩黨決議迅速通過。」


黎智英的兒子黎崇恩、國際律師團成員Cailfhionn Gallagher和Jennifer Robinson,3月14日在日內瓦聯合國發言,促請聯合國關注黎智英的相關案件。黎崇恩呼籲聯合國、國際社會和所有珍惜基本權利和自由的人,關注香港政府濫用法律迫害他父親及其同事,以及其他行使言論自由和自由權利的人。他形容港府敲響了在香港享有權利和自由的喪鐘,聯合國應譴責這些行為,並竭盡全力確保他父親獲釋。

#US #外國勢力 #參議院外交關係委員會 #國安法 #StandWithHongKong #黎智英 #陳日君 #蘋果日報

Posted by IG @hkladyliberty
【Bipartisan Introduction of the Hong Kong Resolution】

On March 15, U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced a non-binding Hong Kong resolution condemning the CCP's destruction of Hong Kong's democratic institutions and rule of law. The resolution has bipartisan support from 38 other senators, including longtime allies of Hong Kong's democracy movement such as Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).

The Senate resolution specifically condemns the National Security Law, as well as the Hong Kong government's politically motivated prosecutions of key activists and civil society leaders. It also urges the U.S. government to use all possible means available to respond to the CCP's attacks on Hong Kong's autonomy.

Posted by @hkdc.us

#US #參議院外交關係委員會 #國安法 #StandWithHongKong #香港決議草案

Tickets are available at: mihkff.wethehongkongers.org
Date: 4/2 (Sunday)
Time 2:00pm
Venue: The Beacon Cinema


Echoing with voices from the streets of Hong Kong, LOVE IN THE TIME OF REVOLUTION documents the passion, spirit and sacrifice of ordinary people in Hong Kong during the 2019 anti-extradition movement. Galvanizing a sense of belonging and a shared identity six Hong Kongers experience hope and desperation, love and heartbreak, while fighting for the future of their home. @film_littor

Posted by IG @lampofliberty

#LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution #FilmLITTOR #HongKongFilm #FilmFestival #HongKongMovie #港產片 #香港電影 #HKFilm #Seattle #西雅圖 #US
【Hong Kong Policy Act Report 2023】

Last Friday, the State Department released its annual Hong Kong Policy Act Report. The report, which covers political changes in Hong Kong from April 2022 through January 2023, concludes that Beijing has used the National Security Law (NSL) to severely curtail freedoms in Hong Kong.

Supplementing this research on political prosecutions and the rule of law, the US Consulate in Hong Kong is also maintaining a database of NSL-related arrests, which can be accessed here: https://hk.usconsulate.gov/bearing-witness/

Posted by www.hkdc.us
#US #香港政策法 #打壓人權 #消失的民主自由 #國安法 #政治犯 #以言入罪 #荒謬法治
NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47 // IG @students4hk

As part of a wider global joint effort, yesterday, we gathered at San Francisco Union Square in solidarity with other protestors to call for international awareness of the ongoing trial of the “#HongKong47” pro-democracy advocates. They are currently facing an unfair trial which accused them baselessly of “conspiring to subvert state power”.

#US #SanFrancisco #savehk47 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站

HKDC在三月底於於紐約市舉辦了「海外港人城市論壇」。三個組織的鼎力支持(排名不分先後:Hong Kong Student Advocacy Group at NYU @nyuhksag、NY4HK @ny4hk、Lion Rock Café @lionrock.cafe ),成就了三小時具備互動性的討論空間。按照活動前的問卷調查,參與者在當日分別討論了「何謂光復香港」、「如何處理分歧」和「何如令更多港人積極參與香港運動」三大主題。

IG @hkdc.us
Support HKDC at https://www.hkdc.u@hkdc.us

#海外港人 #城市論壇 #US #NewYork #光復香港



據悉,去年德州共和黨州參議員克霍斯特(Lois Kolkhorst)提出法案SB147,要求禁止中國、俄羅斯、朝鮮和伊朗等4國公民購買當地房地產,引發爭議,致提案於3月急轉彎,強調針對中國等敵對國家而非個人。然而這股「禁中國人置產」風潮持續擴散,目前全美逾20州有相關提案研議中。

#禁中國人置產 #美國 #US #Florida #SayNoToChina #ChineseVirus
Source: 陈维明 twitter @CHENWEIMING2017

#自由雕塑公園 #US #鐵鏈女 #六四屠城 #天安門事件 #毋忘六四
Anti-CCP Demonstration on Forced Sovereignty Handover Day of Hong Kong

Date: July 1st (Sat)
Time: 3PM
Location: Washington Square Park (near the arch, near 5th Ave & Washington Sq North)

Join us for a demonstration and to build a Lennon Wall to express our voices.

Source: @ny4hk
#US #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #七一