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Dr. McCullough: The most pathogenic protein in history damages: (1) the heart, (2) the brain, (3) causes blood clots, (4) VITT MISC. Learned through pooled data that mRNA vaccines promote cancer via SV40 and Immunosuppression against cancer by inhibiting p53 and BRCA. Cancer rates are skyrocketing in every country in the world with mass vaccinations!

麦卡洛博士:历史上最具致病性的蛋白质,损害:(1) 心脏 (2) 大脑 (3) 导致血栓 (4) VITT MISC,通过汇集的数据了解到mRNA疫苗通过SV40促进癌症、并通过抑制P53和BRCA来抑制对癌症的免疫抑制,世界上每一个大规模接种疫苗的国家,癌症发病率都在飙升!
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang