Media is too big
06/10/2023 Nicole on OAN: The DOJ, FBI and other federal government agencies funded by taxpayers, should defend the Constitution to preserve the US freedom. But they were weaponized to persecute the people defending American freedom. America is facing a national crisis. Miles Guo is still jailed without bail. And now President Trump and the next one could be you! That’s why people need to stand up and say No to the CCP. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/10/2023 妮可接受OAN电台采访:由美国纳税人资助的司法部、联邦调查局和其它联邦政府机构,本应捍卫宪法、保护美国的自由,却被武器化用来迫害捍卫美国自由的人们。美国正面临一场国家危机。郭文贵仍被拘禁,无法获得保释。现在轮到川普总统了,下一个可能就是你。这是人们需要站出来对中共说“不”的原因。