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04/05/2023 On the Wayne Dupree podcast, the New Federal State of China representative Nicole explains the difference between the CCP and the Chinese people. The Chinese people are the biggest victims since the CCP took power by force. 80 million Chinese people and more than 400 million unborn babies were murdered during the non-war period. And now the CCP is coming to the west, and they have weaponized mainstream media and social media to censor all anti-CCP voices.
04/05/2023 在Wayne Dupree直播中,新中国联邦代表妮可解释了中共与中国人民的区别。中国人民是中共武力夺取政权以来最大的受害者。在非战争时期,有8000万中国人和4亿多未出生的婴儿被杀害。而现在,中共已经来到西方社会,并已经将主流媒体和社交媒体武器化禁言一切反共的声音。