Media is too big
3/24/2023 Matt Palumbo recently published a report on the Gateway Pundit, strongly questioning the indictment filed against Mr. Guo by SDNY prosecutor Damian Williams regarding the GTV valuation, so-called victims, Mr. Guo’s bail treatment, and so on, and urging for the release on bail of Mr. Guo and for him to be granted justice.
#MilesGuo #FreeMilesGuoNow #CCP #GTV #SEC #DOJ #FBI

3/24/2023 网关专家新闻网站发表著名作家马特·帕伦博文章,针对纽约南区检察官威廉姆斯对郭先生的指控书中涉及GTV估值、受害人、郭先生保释待遇等方面进行了强烈质疑,并呼吁必须让郭文贵先生尽快得到保释并获得公正的对待。
#郭文贵 #立即释放郭文贵 #中共 #美国证监会 #美国司法部 #联邦调查局