Media is too big
【AMFEST 2022】12/18/2022 Nicole interviews two former American players: Wendy Schayes , who has been following Miles Guo, believes that the United States is moving towards communism and she is very worried about it; Danny Schayes believes that the world will only be a better place if everyone in the world has the same civil rights as Americans.
#AmFest #AmFest2022 #NFSC #takedowntheccp

【凤凰城涅槃行动】12/18/2022 妮可采访两位美国运动员: 一直在关注文贵先生的Wendy Schayes女士认为美国正在走向共产主义,对此她十分担忧;Danny Schayes先生认为只有全世界人都拥有美国人这样的公民权利,世界才能变得更加美好
#涅槃行动 #凤凰城 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共