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11/17/2022 Miles Guo: Xi Jinping is taking a proactive strategy at the G20 in Indonesia. He makes himself clear to other leaders that he is only interested in talking about money but not politics. There are over 500 people accompanying Xi Jinping on the trip to Indonesia, taking four Boeing 747 planes which has never happened in China’s history on a leader’s overseas travel
#Xijinping #G20 #CCP

11/17/2022 文贵直播:习近平这次在G20采用了主动出击的策略,对各国领导人表明态度,只准谈钱不能讲政治;习此次印尼之行随行共五百多人,动用了四架波音747,这在中共领导人出访史上尚属首次
#习近平 #G20 #中共