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8/17/2022 Miles Guo: Through the person whom Wang Min trusts the most, Zeng Wei asked Wang Min to transfer 60-80% of Shengjing Bank's shares from the Founder Group to Dai Yongge, who not merely did not pay a single penny, but also sold these shares to Evergrande for RMB 40 billion. Although Liaoning province fined me RMB 60 billion, Evergrande took RMB 400 billion from Liaoning. This proves the evil of the CCP!

8/17/2022 文贵直播:曾维通过王珉最信任的人让他把盛京银行的60-80%股权从北大方正转给了戴永革,而戴非但一分没出,还把该股权以400亿人民币的价格卖给了恒大。虽然辽宁罚了文贵600亿人民币,但恒大却通过盛京银行拿走了辽宁4000亿人民币,这就是中共的邪恶