#黃崇厚法官 #英語聆訊
👤劉家棟(23) #0727元朗


📌上訴內容Part 1:

📌上訴內容Part 2:


1)In consider whether the actions of an accused obstructed one police officer named in the charge, can or should the court can consider possible obstruction to other police officers at the scene but unnamed in the charge? If so, to what extent?


2) What is the ambit of the kind of conduct which “would not normally be regarded as obstructing the officer in the due execution of his duty because it is neither the type of criminal conduct contemplated by the statutory provision nor is it wilful in the sense that it is deliberate and without lawful excuse”

a) When and how (if ever) would conduct the kind described exceptionally amount to “wilful obstruction” of an officer?

b) To what extent is the motive of accused relevant in identifying his conduct with conduct of the kind described?

就第二點,簡單來說,申請方希望終審法院可以就法庭在考慮上訴人阻差辨公的因素,即上訴人做了甚麼(what the person has done and how it is done)、警方在做甚麼(what the officer is doing)、上訴人的行為對警方的影響(and the effect of what the person has done on what the officer is doing),作進一步描述,以協助日後法庭判定那些行為是「故意」地阻差辨公。


3) In deciding the appropriate sentence for an offence with wilful obstruction in the course of an unlawful assembly, to what extent can or should the court take into account sentencing principle and levels of sentences for other unrelated offences such as unlawful assembly?

第3個問題則是涉及判刑原則,申請方對公眾利益(Public order)是否本案判刑中給予較大比重,及是否應包含非法集結的成分有所質疑,希望終審法院可以就此下指引。
