#0714沙田 #續審 [11/12]


(1) 公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為
(2) 襲擊執行職責的警務人員
(3) 對他人身體加以嚴重傷害
(4) 有意圖而傷人


📌余醫生指出,在本案中stimulus數量是11 (之前審訊時辯方提出)。如圖所示,當modalities是11, cRT 大約是450ms, 即普通反應時間(200ms)的2.25倍,符合之前證供的描述。

🛑 cRT = RT + K∗ log2 M
(∗) is variable

cRT is complex (alternative) reaction time, K the individual constant, M the stimulus complexity, i.e., number of various modalities that can occur in a stimulus……

Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 1724 – 1730 Simple and complex reaction time measurement. A preliminary evaluation of
new approach and diagnostic tool