Wednesday 10pm HKT/10am EDT: Ask me anything on r/iama with an American lawyer who was wrongfully imprisoned in Hong Kong

早前被判入獄四個半月的美藉律師Samual Bickett將於今日(星期三)香港時間晚上10點鐘在Reddit上進行AMA (Ask me anything你問我答)。大家可提前留下問題。

"I first moved to Hong Kong in 2013, and fell in love with this city and its people. I have been a firsthand witness to the umbrella movement in 2014 and the 2019 democracy movement. As a lawyer, I have watched with horror as a well-developed system of laws and due process has given way to absolute rule by the Police Force.
I met many political prisoners inside, and learned a great deal about their plight. I saw the incredible courage they continue to show in the face of adversity."
