Media is too big
It’s been 70 days. 12 Hong Kong activists’ lives are in Chinese government’s hands right now. They are provided no right to due process nor access to medication.

It's time for the international community to hold China accountable for its human rights assaults and pressure for the release of the 12. We can't afford to have the 13th victim.

Seven major demands from the families of the 12:
1. Release the 12 Hongkongers immediately;
2. Cease incommunicado detention of the 12 Hongkongers;
3. Allow family appointed lawyers access to the 12;
4. Disclose the identity of the government-appointed lawyers;
5. Provide medications to detainees in need;
6. Release radar records of the police’s involvement in the incident; and
7. Arrange Hong Kong officials to meet with and assist family members

Sign the #save12hkyouths global petition:

#SAVE12HKYOUTHS #SAVE12 #BringThemHome #HongKong

