⚡️ FLASHBACK 9/3/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR:
Facing the existing domestic food, social and economic crises, the CCP only beats up, arrests, and oppresses (the Chinese people) to maintain social stability.
Our fellow compatriots in China should now get fully prepared to face the great challenges of life, death of cancer caused by the Covid vaccine across the whole nation and Western sanctions as well.
The entire domestic medical care, social security, public safety, electricity, trains, and planes in China will soon be degraded to the level of Iran and North Korea.
#foodcrisis #economiccrisis #ccpsystem #vaccinedisaster #sanctionccp
对于中共国内现在的粮食危机社会危机, 经济危机, 共匪就是打, 抓, 维稳。
整个国内的医疗, 社会安全, 公共安全,电力,火车,飞机很快就到伊朗和北朝鲜程度了啊。
#制裁中共 #疫苗灾难
