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04/09/2023【 #FellowFightersVisitTheBaseofNFSC】Zhan Dao and Xiao Li from the LA Pangu Farm sent messages emotionally to Mr. Miles Guo: “You have suffered so much on behalf of the NFSC citizens. We thank you and the Himalaya Alliance for giving us such a super surprise today, allowing us to visit the NFSC base. It's a shame that such a huge base has everything except the presence of you. So we are here expecting your early return! We will take unified actions before your return!”
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

04/09/2023【 #战友们参观新中国联邦基地】洛杉矶盘古农场的战刀、小李向七哥动情表达:你为新中国联邦人受苦了!感谢七哥,感谢联盟让我们看到了新中国联邦的基地。这么大一个基地什么都不缺,唯独就缺七哥!我们等你回来,希望你尽快回来。在你回来之前,我们一定会行动!团结!
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #共产党是一切灾难的根源 #天下奇闻