Media is too big
NBC News justice and intelligence reporter Ken Dilanian reports on how Ex-Fugees rapper Pras Mitchell is acting as an unregistered agent of the Chinese Communist Party, lobbying President Trump to extradite dissident Mr. Guo Wengui to communist China, and his case involved politics, money, and many Hollywood stars

#NBC 新闻司法和情报记者肯·迪拉尼安报道了前Fugees 说唱歌手普拉斯·米歇尔是如何作为未注册的 #中共代理人,游说 #川普总统 遣返持不同政见者 #郭文贵 先生回中共国, 以及他的案子涉及政治、 金钱和好莱坞的明星


#释放郭文贵 #中共不能代表中国人民 #中共是全世界灾难的根源