
最高法院对 #亚利桑那州 投票权的新限制范围作出裁决,维持两个投票限制,拒绝声称他们歧视少数民族。 6-3的投票沿袭了意识形态路线。

Breaking: Supreme Court upholds two Arizona voting restrictions, rejects claims that they discriminate against racial minorities. Ruling new limits on the reach of Voting Rights Act. Vote is 6-3 along ideological lines.


最高法院在6-3的裁决中维护了亚利桑那州在选举期间限制"收割选票"的权利。 民主党的巨大失败。

Breaking: The Supreme Court has upheld Arizona's right to restrict "ballot harvesting" during elections in a 6-3 ruling. A huge defeat for the Democrat Party.
