Glutenous Rice Ball Workshop in Aberdeen
香港仔 湯圓製作工作坊

Ladies and Gentlemen, December is approaching rapidly! For Hongkongers, aside from Christmas, the Winter Solstice holds significant importance in December. In celebration of this traditional festival, characterized by family reunions and shared meals of glutinous rice balls, The Hong Kong Scots in Aberdeen are excited to invite everyone, including locals and the Hong Kong diaspora, to join our Glutinous Rice Ball Workshop. This event aims to not only explore the culinary traditions of the Winter Solstice, featuring glutinous rice balls and dumplings but also foster integration and adaptation of Hong Kongers to life in Scotland. It serves as a platform for cultural exchange, reflecting the rich tapestry of British cultural diversity.


The Hong Kong Scots特別喺香港仔( Aberdeen) 舉辦湯圓製作工作坊,讓包括在地港人同喺呢度嘅其他族群參與。製作湯圓之餘,同大家探討冬至起源、飲食等的傳統文化,促進大家融入同適應呢度嘅生活之餘,亦體現英國文化多元的價值。

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Date:16/12/2023 (星期六/ Saturday)

時間 / Time: 14:15 to 15:30

地點 / Venue: Tillydrone Community Centre Gordon's Mills Rd, Aberdeen AB24 2RG

語言 / Language : 粤語 / Cantonese

名額 / Capacity: 25

票價 / Tickets Price: 每人 £6 per person
蘇格蘭香港人Patreon 付費會員免費
Scottish Hongkongers Patreon members Free of Charge

Registration / 報名:

備註 / Remarks :





The workshop is suitable for people aged three or above. Children under twelve are recommended to be accompanied by their parents.

*No tickets are required for children under three years old.

All attendees are required to purchase tickets, there will be no on-site ticket sales.

Participants must bring their food box (one liter). Each participant can take home six glutinous rice balls made by himself.

查詢 / Enquiries :