

所以,我哋9月30日會喺Edinburgh ,繼續呼籲在場嘅英國公民及居民加入聯署,要求英國政府制裁違反 #中英聯合聲明 嘅香港公職人員。


Date: 30th September, 2023
Time: 12nn-2pm
Location: Outside of the National Record EH1 3YY

Stand up against infiltration, sanction against HK officials

On the 74th anniversary of PRC establishment, it is a day of national grief for Chinese and there is nothing worth celebration. For the communities of Hongkongers, Tibetans and Uyghurs, the aversion to the CCP regime and the subsequent resistance are growing day by day. Under the rule of CCP, the state of human rights in the above regions is persistently deteriorating, especially our beloved Hong Kong!

On 30th September in Edinburgh, we will continue to call for UK citizens and residents to join our petition to urge the UK government to impose sanctions against the Hong Kong officials who violate the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Content of activities: leaflet distribution, call for local citizens to join the petition. Participants are welcome for bringing their own publicity materials to let more people to understand the state of human rights in Hong Kong.

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