美國牧師Rev. Patrick Mahoney及Rev. Dr. William Devlin將於15:00喺尖沙咀警署門前舉辦祈禱會,為香港、為理大祈禱。

建議市民勿於路上聚集,路過時自發祈禱即可,然後繼續前往目的地。祈禱會內容可參看兩位facebook live: /revmahoney 或 /pastor.devlin

Rev. Patrick Mahoney and pastor Dr. William Devlin will hold a prayer meeting at 15:00 outside of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station to pray for Hong Kond and PolyU.

We suggest citizens to pray themselves when passing by and not to gather on the road. Please keep going to your final destination. You can watch their facebook live on: /revmahoney or /pastor.devlin