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元朗國地勢險峻 民風彪悍 黑警極惡
和理非們! 革命來到! 爲勇武牛開路!!!

各位牛牛! 有任何資料請睇pin msg。

如: 1426 三狗籠 教育路 千色 往狗屋方向
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0105 1eu 屏會街 煌府停車場對出 閃燈 停泊
0122 1eu 塘坊村站駛往元朗方向
Forwarded from Black Bloc
大家好,我地係Black Bloc小隊。


6月多場抗爭下來,逐漸凝聚左相同諗法既同路人。Black Bloc 小隊由7月初形成,一直用我地認為可行既方法進行抗爭,被外界定義為極端暴徒,即使被自己人誤會係鬼,我地亦無因此而卻步。







Black Bloc小隊,只要未死,永不退場



Hello everyone, We are Black Bloc.

The core members of the squad have been in the forefront since 612 using the method of "Containing violence by force" to counter the unequal force.

After many protests in June last year, fellows who share the same views are gradually united. The Black Bloc squad was formed in early July, and we are using the method that we deem feasible to fight, which is characterised as extreme mobs by the government. Even though we are misunderstood as under-covers by companions, it has never deterred us.

Until the beginning of October, some of us were arrested one after another. We understand that we are sticking our necks out, but it will not hinder us from coming out again despite the arrest.

During the PolyU battle, we determined to stay behind in order to stand with those fellows who were not wishing to leave the campus. Our team then suffered a heavy loss, the core members were trapped, injured or even being caught as taking part in the alleged riot.

The tyranny aka police starts its actions after radical protests have been calmed down. The warehouses were revealed which means that we are exposing to the accusation of planning riots, therefore, some core members decided to exile in order to continue to contend with the autocracy from another role.

The reason for creating this channel is that we want to organise a group of exiled fellows, who still determine to combat the tyrannical government, and those progressive front liners in HK and overseas. While we are waiting and preparing for next opportunities, we shall stand with all of you to fight against the autocracy again.

Leaving Hong Kong does not mean to pursue a new life nor for emigration. Everyone should defeat this tyranny by any means. Do NOT expect someone to fight for you instead, ask yourself how you can fight for Hong Kong!

What we should do is to liberate Hong Kong and overrule the corrupted government. We spare our lives to accomplish what we fight for at any cost. Do move forward if there are any opportunities even if we might be sacrificed.

We, Black Bloc, will never leave as long as we are still alive.

0137 於元朗公園聽到遠處有一連串巨響相隔1分鐘再有分別兩次巨響 聲音方向未明 #街坊報料
0201 1EU鳳池村往天慈方向閃燈set rb ss緊一部白色中港兩地牌七人車
0211 1EU東成里巴士站往凹頭迴旋處方向
0212 1EU安樂路往朗屏西鐵站方向
0222 1EU AM7975教育路左轉入西裕街
❗️突發 視點31黃之鋒同民建聯辯論❗️

1115 1suv錦田公路高埔村往元朗方向
❗️突發 視點31黃之鋒同民建聯辯論❗️ https://www.facebook.com/rthk31thisweek/videos/215624316382926/?vh=e&d=n
雖然林林好撚似潑婦😂但係佢同gphone已經成為人肉佈景板 真正辯論其實係三個評判😂😂😂😂
btw謝偉俊個100年前西班牙瘟疫汲取教訓 呢個笑到admin死
1154 1suv 1交通狗私停泊鳳翔路百佳對面 交通狗落地抄牌
1158 朗屏站 4藍衫狗巡邏
1159 1EU 加洲花園巴士站 往上水方向 #街坊報料
1157 元朗又新街抄牌 #街坊報料