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4/13/2023 On Diamond and Silk Show, Ava says Miles Guo had warned the world the CCP will purposely release a deadly virus, which is later well-known Covid-19. They attempted to release it three times, and the third time they succeeded. Miles Guo also warned that he received an accurate intel that in the end of summer and beginning of fall in 2021,the CCP will release a more lethal virus again, which is later on well-known the Delta Variant. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 4/13/2023 Ava在Diamond and Silk 节目上称郭文贵先生很早之前就警告世界中共会故意放一种致命的病毒,也就是之后众所周知的新冠病毒。中共尝试释放了三次,结果第三次成功释放。2021年他还警告说,他得到确切情报,在夏末秋初时,中共会再次释放一种更加致命的病毒,也就是随后我们熟知的德尔塔毒株。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
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4/13/2023 On Diamond and Silk Show, Ava says Miles Guo has long been telling the world to follow the money to root out CCP spies in America. America should follow Miles Guo’s 76 lawsuits in the past 6 years and find out who is behind them. There are only three or four of them. America should check their finances, subpoena them and investigate them, then they can get to the bottom of it. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 4/13/2023 Ava在Diamond and Silk 节目上,Ava 称郭文贵一直以来都在告诉世界要想清除中共在美国的间谍网络,那么美国就需要跟踪过去六年以来,郭文贵所遭受的76个官司,并找出背后的主谋,也就是那么三四个人。美国需要查看他们的财务记录、传唤他们、调查他们。这样,才可以追根溯源。  
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
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4/13/2023 Ava Chen on Diamond and Silk: Miles Guo proposed in his live broadcast a 3F solution to counter the CCP’s infiltration into the U.S. federal agencies, which is to follow the money, follow the sexual misconduct of the bad actors, and follow the #NFSC. He also suggested that the CCP’s collaborators be allowed to get away and keep the dirty money from the CCP but become cooperating witnesses so as to collect more evidence against the big fish in the system. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 4/13/2023Ava Chen在Diamond and Silk 节目上:文贵先生在他的直播中提出了应对中共对美国联邦机构渗透的 #3F解决方案,即关注金钱的流向、关注那些坏人的不当性行为,还有关注 #新中国联邦。他还建议允许曾经和中共勾兑的人脱罪,并保留从中共那里获得的黑钱,但让他们成为污点证人,以便收集更多证据以抓住系统内的大鳄。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
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4/13/2023 【Nicole with David Zere】Miles Guo had long warned that the CCP would use military force to unify Taiwan, and it has been testing if the United States has the political will to eliminate the CCP on U.S. soil. Taiwanese businessmen like Terry Gou, who have made a fortune solely because of the CCP, would never want to take down the CCP.
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow #takedowntheCCP #NFSC #Taiwan
4/13/2023 【妮可接受大卫·泽瑞】郭文贵先生早就警告过,中共必将武统台湾,而且一直在试探美国是否有在其本土消灭中共的政治意愿;像郭台铭这样只是因为中共才赚得盆满钵满的台商,是绝不会想要灭共的!
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #立即释放郭文贵 #立即释放王雁平 #消灭中共 #新中国联邦  #台湾
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In the live broadcast on April 20, Mr. Bannon questioned why the rounded up 34 seized CCP police officers in New York and the two arrested CCP spies were immediately released on bail, but the biggest victims of their crime, Miles Guo, the number one enemy of the CCP, has not been granted bail so far.
#freemilesguo #freeyvettewang 
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
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4/20/2023 Jayne Zirkle(Gettr: @JayneZirkle) in WarRoom:Many of the CCP cyber security crimes were directed at the CCP enemy number one Miles Guo. The two gentlemen arrested in relation to this CCP police station outpost is an arm of the Ministry of Public Security. A Zoom employee took direction from the CCP to censor, attack, spy on and harass Zoom users who were speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 4/20/2023 杰恩·泽克尔(盖特号:@JayneZirkle)做客班农战斗室:中共很多网络安全犯罪活动直指中共头号敌人郭文贵。被捕的两名与中共海外执法站有关系的男士隶属于中共的公安部。一名Zoom员工直接听命于中共,对发表反共言论的Zoom用户实施审查、攻击、监视和骚扰。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
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4/20/2023 Matt Palumbo: Mr. Miles Guo is the number 1 target of CCP’s illegal police station in New York that is charged by the DOJ. The 912 group is named after the date that Miles Guo filed for asylum. The indictment proves that CCP has a conspiracy against Miles. While the FBI admits the fact that Mr. Guo is CCP’s target, the DOJ is simultaneously trying to claim he's a fake whistleblower, so they are in really a web of their own contradictions here. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 4/20/2023 马特·帕伦博:文贵先生是美国司法部起诉的中共纽约非法派出所的头号目标。912专案组以文贵先生申请政庇的日子命名。起诉书表明中共阴谋针对郭先生。尽管联邦调查局承认郭先生是中共目标这个事实,但司法部却同时极力宣称郭先生是假的爆料人,司法部和联邦调查局在这里确实有自相矛盾。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】American rapper DVS 7.0: Miles Guo hasn't committed any crimes here in America or anywhere else, and he is being held without bail simply because of false accusations supplied by the CCP. Who are the FBI and DOJ working for? What interests drive them to persecute the enemies of the CCP?
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP

4/19/2023【419事件六周年】说唱歌手肖恩(DVS 7.0):郭先生从未在美国或任何地方有过任何犯罪行为,仅仅因为中共的诬陷就把他关起来并拒绝保释。联邦调查局和司法部究竟是在为谁工作?是什么样的利益驱动了他们要去迫害中共的敌人?
#419事件 #释放郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦