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赵紫阳原政治秘书鲍彤谈郭文贵先生——郭文贵先生说:中国的特色是 “黑”。Bao Tong, the former political secretary of Zhao Ziyang, talked about Mr Guo Wengui (Miles Guo) Mr Guo Wengui said: China is characterised by “Blackness"
#鲍彤 #BaoTong #爆料革命 #WhistleblowersMovement #新中国联邦 #NFSC #MilesGuo #郭文贵 #internationalNews #hotnews
China's GDP is now losing about 3 trillion dollars
Miles Guo’s Live Broadcast November 12, 2022
#China'sGDP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #MilesGuo #internationalNews #hotnews
#internationalNews #hotnews
德语 Deutsch
Chinas GDP verliert in diesem Jahr etwa 3 Billionen US$
——Miles Guo's Live-Übertragung 12. November 2022
#China'sGDP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #MilesGuo #internationalNews #hotnews
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11/21/2022 Miles Guo: Boris Johnson’s criticism of the tyrannies of the CCP and Russia at a conference in Singapore really terrified the audiences. The government of Singapore has a dedicated department helping the CCP suppress dissidents, especially the Whistleblowers’ Movement.
#BorisJohnson #Singapore #WhistleblowersMovement

11/21/2022 文贵直播:鲍里斯·约翰逊在新加坡批评中共和俄罗斯独裁让听众惊恐万分;新加坡政府有特定部门负责帮助中共清除反共势力, 尤其是爆料革命!
#鲍里斯·约翰逊 #新加坡 #爆料革命
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11/21/2022 Miles Guo: The two law firms, Paul Hastings and O’Melveny, have long been colluding with the CCP. Through a few corrupt DOJ officials, they manipulate and abuse the U.S. judiciary, persecute the fellow fighters of the Whistleblowers’ Movement and the New Federal State of China, and jeopardize the interest of American people and government. They will be held accountable for their wrongdoings.
#PaulHastings #OMelveny #USDOJ #CCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC

11/21/2022 文贵直播:普衡和美迈斯两家律师事务所长期和中共勾兑,通过几个在美国司法部的腐败官员操控和玩弄美国司法,迫害爆料革命和新中国联邦的战友,危害美国人和美国政府的利益,他们必将被追责!
#普衡 #美迈斯 #美国司法部 #中共 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦
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12/29/2022 Miles Guo: The New Federal State of China (NFSC) has brought hope to the Chinese people. Religions and faiths of all mankind are facing the challenges from the CCP, and this provides the NFSC an even bigger opportunity. The religious people the fellow fighters met at AMFEST 2022 in Phoenix were from the “Swamp”. The real war has begun, and 2023 will be the darkest year. Only if we stay together and truly uphold the belief of taking down the CCP can we step into the future.
#NFSC #WhistleblowersMovement #religion #faith #takedowntheCCP

12/29/2022 文贵直播:新中国联邦为中国人带来了希望;全人类的宗教、信仰遭到了中共的挑战,这给新中国联邦提供了一个更大的机会;战友们在凤凰城遇到的宗教人士是沼泽地的;大战已经开始,2023年是最黑暗的一年,只有团结起来并且真正地相信消灭共产党,我们才会走向未来
#新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #宗教 #信仰 #消灭中共
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【2023 NFSC New Year Celebration】The Whistleblowers’ Movement was the first to tell the world the CCP virus is a bioweapon and that the COVID vaccination is the CCP’s ultimate goal and the real killer; just a few days ago, we warned countries around the world not to open the doors to Chinese travelers; the CCP considers the Western civilization and rule of law as a threat to the CCP’s totalitarian regime, so it is determined to launch a war against the 2.8 billion Christians and Catholics of the West.
#WhistleblowersMovement #CCPvirus #COVIDvaccine #ruleoflaw #totalitarianregime #Christians #Catholics

【2023 新中国联邦元旦大直播】爆料革命最早告诉了世界,中共病毒是生化武器,疫苗是最终目的、大杀器;就在几天前我们也告诉了全世界不要对中国游客开放国门;中共认为西方的文明和法治威胁了它的独裁统治,所以要跟西方28亿的基督教徒、天主教徒必有一战!
#爆料革命 #中共病毒 #疫苗 #法治 #独裁统治 #基督教 #天主教
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1/4/2023 Miles Guo: Nowadays, governments around the world are talking about the Fireworks Revolution in Communist China; although Chinese Lao Baixing missed one opportunity at the beginning of year 2023, they will soon figure out in the upcoming months that the Fireworks Revolution or the Burning-down the CCP Revolution indeed works and will succeed!
#FireworksMovement #FireworksRevolution #BurndownCCPRevolution #WhistleblowersMovement

1/4/2023 文贵直播:现在全世界的政府都在说中共国的焰火革命,虽然这次焰火革命痛失一次机会,但中国老百姓会在未来几个月发现,焰火革命或火烧中共革命真的能成功!
#焰火革命 #火灭中共革命 #爆料革命
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1/8/2023 Miles Guo: An unprecedented global economic crisis is imminent and it will bring a deadly blow to the CCP. Therefore it is a good thing for the Whistleblowers’ Movement, and citizens of the New Federal State of China will be the only people who will grow and prosper from the economic crisis!
#GlobalEconomicCrisis #TakeDownTheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement

1/8/2023 文贵直播:一场前所未有的世界经济危机即将到来并给中共致命一击,因此这对爆料革命是好事,只有新中国联邦人会在这场危机中成长、获利!
#世界经济危机 #消灭中共 #爆料革命
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1/8/2023 Miles Guo: I said a few months ago that once Congressman McCarthy is elected Speaker of the House, he will launch an investigation into the origin of COVID. It was the Whistleblowers’ Movement that let the West, including McCarthy himself know that the CCP could not represent Chinese people, and as a result prevented large-scale anti-Chinese incidents from happening overseas!
#OriginofCovid #WhistleblowersMovement #McCarthy #CCP

1/8/2023 文贵直播:我在几个月前就说过:麦卡锡上台后一定会病毒溯源,是爆料革命让西方世界、包括麦卡锡本人明白中共不能代表中国人,从而避免了海外大规模排华事件的发生!
#病毒溯源 #爆料革命 #麦卡锡 #中共