The Hong Kong Scots
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A Hongkongers-led Scottish company not for profit but looks for the interest of community.
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This is the appeal from the Hongkongers previously persecuted in China

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games is another Winter Olympics of shame after the Berlin Games held in Nazi Germany in 1936. When the Olympics was hosted in Tokyo, the world had emphasised that human rights must be an essential element in the Games. However, the Chinese Communist regime remains unchanged and continuously persecutes fighters for human rights and liberty, and even innocent citizens.

Full version:
廿二號會嚟 #Aberdeen 的手足,麻煩入一入嚟,

Please read this post if you join our event in aberdeen.

我地已經抵達Union Square近Guild St開始派發傳單,並展示香港新聞自由被打壓情況,向本地市民分享香港情況。


[Salute to Journalists @ Aberdeen ]

We have arrived at Union square near Guild St and started distributing leaflets, showing the suppression of press freedom in Hong Kong and sharing the situation in Hong Kong with local citizens.

Hong Kong needs everyone to contribute.



[Salute to Journalists @ Aberdeen ]

The street station came to a successful conclusion, thanks to more than a dozen Hong Kong people who attended and assisted in distributing the flyers.

【Anti Winter Olympics Activities updated】

While Western countries are boycotting the Olympic Games diplomatically, we are responding to the public in Scotland . We will hold 4 street booths in #Aberdeen, #Dundee, #Glasgow and #Edinburgh in the coming week. All tyranny and evil deeds done by CCP, will be shown to the world. Finally, we will march to Roseburn Public Park and pay an early Lunar New Year call to the CCP Embassy.

西方國家採取外交杯葛奧運會的同時,身在蘇格蘭的我們在民間響應,未來一週於 #Aberdeen#Dundee#Glasgow#Edinburgh 設街站,讓中共暴政惡行展現在世人眼前;最後在Edinburgh遊行至Roseburn Public Park,並向旁邊的 #中國大使館 拜早年。

30January Rundown

13:00 Preaching statement
13:10 Sing Glory to Hong Kong together
13:15-14:15 Stand Silently
14:30 March starts to Consulate General of China
16:00 Disband at Roseburn Public Park
