Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
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#FirstCommittee We believe that the “Structured dialogue” on security challenges in the @OSCE area, in particular on risk reduction and prevention of incidents, is an important confidence-building measure aimed at reducing military tensions. ➡️https://t.co/DuVWHso8Mq https://t.co/qwottL2fcX
#Chumakov: SC is responsible for specific issues of maintaining intn'l peace&security. A direct link btw #sea🌊level rise and threat of conflict emergence isn't evident. This nexus's even harder to understand in the context of landlocked developing states. https://t.co/k7U1SN1js7 https://t.co/yDWgMip3GX
#Chumakov: 🇷🇺supports the work of 🇺🇳regional economic commissions at all tracks, incl countering inequality. In the framework of cooperation w/ @UNECE and @UNESCAP , we finance a number of projects that we believe have potential for mitigating #inequality at the regional level. https://t.co/0AO3OKOIdF
#Евстигнеева: Определяющее влияние на положение дел в РВО оказывает ситуация на востоке #ДРКонго, остающаяся сложной. Остро стоит вопрос с безопасностью в провинциях Итури, Северное Киву, где не снижается активность «Объединенных демократических сил» и др. вооруженных группировок https://t.co/C2ADZyRsu4
#Евстигнеева: Отмечаем активизацию #дипломатии стран Региона Великих Озер для выстраивания добрососедских отношений. Приветствуем настрой на развитие сотрудничества в преодолении вызовов. Это касается борьбы с вооруженными группировками, укрепления границ, развития торговли. https://t.co/m6RsZAKiDT
#Евстигнеева: Только военными методами добиться долгосрочной нормализации в #ДРКонго невозможно. Следим за усилиями властей по восстановлению контроля над ситуацией в сфере безопасности, улучшению гумположения, социально-экономическому развитию. https://t.co/inInb83DNv https://t.co/utQe2PHDA4
#Евстигнеева: Исходим из необходимости осуществления всеми странами Рамочного соглашения о мире, безопасности и сотрудничестве для #ДРКонго и #РВО. Убеждены: Стратегия🇺🇳по укреплению мира, предотвращению и урегулированию конфликтов придаст импульс их коллективным усилиям @MID_RF https://t.co/jCj8SGC7y3
#Evstigneeva: Against the backdrop of security problems & a complex humanitarian situation, incl. #COVID19 factor, states of the #GreatLakesRegion galvanized diplomatic efforts to build good neighborly relations. We welcome their commitment to cooperation. https://t.co/eYBjmrBTYR https://t.co/w1xx6mKxJw
#Evstigneeva at UNSC open debate on the #GreatLakesRegion: We believe that chairmanship of 🇨🇩President in the @_AfricanUnion this year will help draw extra attention to the #GLR. We highly appreciate the role of the Intn'l Conference of the GLR under the Presidency of #Angola. https://t.co/Jk0w51Vjxy
#Evstigneeva: Initiatives that help stabilize the situation [in the #GLR] turn out viable only if elaborated & endorsed by direct participants of the events and supported regionally. This also goes in line w/ the principle “African solutions–to the African problems” that we share https://t.co/dhep0BqUCe
#Evstigneeva: Lasting normalization in the #DRCongo cannot be ensured through military methods alone. We closely follow the efforts of the authorities aimed at reinstating control of the security situation, improving the #humanitarian status, promoting socio-economic development. https://t.co/8DInptNZUQ
We studied the report of #IRMCT where it makes a virtue of keeping on working amidst a #pandemic. But it was not the Mechanism alone that encountered such challenges - other intn'l bodies & organizations also adapted (to varying degrees of success) to the "coronavirus reality". https://t.co/CYZQU1VZ3s
#Kuzmin: Today’s discussion reiterates relevance of UNSCR 1325 that was adopted >20 years ago. In the context of this document, an important task of #UNSC is ensuring rightful & effective participation of #women in peace processes, and in efforts to prevent & resolve conflicts. https://t.co/hF7bccqtwQ
#Kuzmin: When it comes to solving the existing problems, active involvement of #women themselves is indispensable. We express our appreciation to SG @antonioguterres for his attention to increasing the participation of👩in #peacekeeping missions, peace talks, political processes. https://t.co/D27d3bcbQ0
#Kuzmin: Russia🇷🇺 is ready to cooperate constructively with all interested states in order to promote Women, Peace & Security agenda in #UNSC. We stand for an equal and mutually respectful dialogue that should take into account varying views and opinions.➡️https://t.co/ziOo3xR4ZY https://t.co/4ksXs0JWDW