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محطات مترو موسكو الجديد لا مثيل لها في العالم

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4 марта при поддержке Генерального консульства России в Александрии прошли вторые соревнования на кубок Русского Дома по футболу среди школьников, посвящённые 80-летию установления дипломатических отношений между Россией и Египтом. 🇪🇬🇷🇺

Мероприятие прошло на футбольном поле школьного комплекса «Аль-Азхар» при присутствии председателя центрального управления «Аль-Азхар» шейха М. Хамиса и ряда других представителей руководства Исламского университета, а также директора Русского Дома в Александрии П.В.Кидисюка и сотрудников Посольства и Генконсульства.

В турнире принимали участие Русская школа при посольстве России в Каире и пять команд из александрийских школ: школа «Святой Марк», школа «Фючэр», школа «Святой Гавриил», школа «Або Эль-Азайм» и школа «Бараим Тайба Аль-Азхар».
Трофей 🏆 завоевала команда школы «Святой Марк»⚽️.

⚡️In today's issue of "Daily News Egypt" one will find a fresh article by one of the top Russian experts in ICTs and information security Andrey Krutskikh:

🔹️Western countries began actively experimenting with the use of ICTs for political and military purposes;

🔹️US, desperately clinging to its elusive global dominance, has embarked on the way of imposing digital neocolonial dictatorship;

🔹️Online resources broadcasting a viewpoint alternative to the Western one are blocked;

🔹️Blatant attempts are made to interfere in the internal affairs of states through the global system of espionage;

🔹️Western leaders can not comprehend the fact that the so-called “IT Army of Ukraine” created with their help – in fact a conglomerate of criminal gangs.

☝️We advocate the concept of creating a just system of international information security based on confidence-building, cooperation, prevention of conflicts and an arms race, and the elaboration of a legal framework regulating the responsible behaviour of states.
Media is too big
Владимир Путин поздравил женщин России с праздником – Международным женским днём

«Мы знаем, как много в жизни держится на вас, дорогие наши женщины, на ваших трудах и душевной щедрости, как много сил вы отдаёте заботе о детях, о том, чтобы в семье царили любовь, уют и согласие. И конечно, огромное уважение вызывают ваши неизменная ответственность, умение учитывать все детали, все аспекты дела, которым вы занимаетесь, все те лучшие качества, которые вы проявляете в самых разных профессиях», – отметил Президент.

هنأ فلاديمير بوتين السيدات باليوم العالمي للمرأة

"نحن نعلم كم في الحياة عليكم ، يا نساءنا العزيزات، على أعمالكم وكرمكم وروحكم، وكم الجهد الذي تبذلينه لرعاية الأطفال، حتى يسود الحب والراحة والوئام في الأسرة. وبالطبع، فإن مسؤوليتكم المستمرة ،وقدرتكم على مراعاة جميع التفاصيل، وجميع جوانب العمل الذي تقوم به ، وجميع أفضل الصفات التي تظهرها في مجموعة متنوعة من المهن، تسبب احترامًا كبيرًا ".

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
❗️ President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated Russia’s women on International Women’s Day 🌸

💬 From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best on International Women's Day.

Many countries celebrate this holiday, but for Russia, it is always filled with special warmth and meaning, with the most kind, joyful and sincere feelings, because this reverence and respect towards women and motherhood is an unconditional value for us, something we have been passing on from generation to generation.

Today, everyone across all the cities and towns of our vast country is addressing words of love and admiration to their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives, daughters, and girlfriends, eager to please their loved and dearest ones, to hug them and say something they might not have time to say every day amid the fast flow of events, to give their love, convey the kindest feelings and say the most sincere words to those who believe in them and wait for them at home in times of trial and separation.

Dear women, we know and appreciate the weight you are carrying. We realise how much in our lives depends on your hard work and generous souls, how much effort you put into taking care of children and ensuring love, comfort and harmony in your families.

And of course, your unwavering responsibility is something that inspired unwavering respect; so does your ability to take into account the minutest details, all aspects of your job, and all the best qualities that you show in various professions.


You are inspiring faith and helping our heroes to feel a piece of home despite the distance that separates them. Your compassion and mercy can work wonders, and they do.

All the best to you. Happy International Women's Day!
Forwarded from Russian Mission Geneva
💐 In celebration of #IWD2023 - a few examples of truly remarkable women in Russian history:

1️⃣Valentina Tereshkova

On June 16, 1963, she made history becoming the first and youngest (26 y.o.) woman to travel into space aboard the “Vostok 6”.

“Hey, sky, take off your hat, I’m on my way” - became her most iconic quote.

2️⃣Lyudmila Pavlichenko

😱 Her name struck fear into the hearts of the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War.

🛡 At 25, she became the deadliest female sniper in history with 309 confirmed kills, including 36 enemy snipers.

3️⃣Anna Pavlova

🦢 She became synonymous with ballet, her iconic “The Dying Swan” still captures the hearts of millions.

🩰 Revered as the greatest prima ballerina of all time, she became the first to tour ballet internationally.

4️⃣Tatiana Sorokina

👩‍👧‍👦 Over 30+ years, the Sorokin family has selflessly cared for 79 adopted kids, as well as 2 of their own. Many of them have started their own families now.