疫時代🌊Pandemic ᴛʀᴜᴛʜs
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「青年移植」 “Youth Plant” 是一種委婉說法,實指:吸出嬰兒/兒童捐贈者的重要體液,並將其註射到老年接受者的體內🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸


2019年,美國初創企業 Ambrosia 以每升 8,000 美元的價格向矽谷億萬富翁提供青少年血漿


●年輕的體液 「喚醒」了再生神經元和髓磷脂的過程


●FDA 已對 Ambrosia 發出警告但該公司創始人在短暫關閉後又重開業,並說:「理由很簡單,我們的患者真的想要這種治療」

Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear liquid found within the tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord of humans, and is packed full of nutrients, signalling molecules and growth factors which nourish neurons.-The FDA issued a warning against Ambrosia‘s services on safety grounds, but the founder re-opened after briefly shutting down, he said, with the simple justification that “our patients really want the treatment.”

#Blood #血液 #Ethic #倫理 #OrganHavesting #器官摘取 #Exploitation #剝削 #MedicalConspiracy #醫療陰謀 #CoverUp #掩蓋 #Fact #事實
疾病和死亡原因——接種疫苗 “成人猝死綜合癥” CAUSE OF DISEASE & DEATH - VACCINATION Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

雖然有相當多的證據表明,一部分嬰兒在接種疫苗後猝死的風險增加,但衛生當局取消了 “預防性接種”。


所謂的 “嬰兒猝死綜合征” 與嬰兒接種疫苗在統計上有顯著的相關性。這個術語是一種誤導性的誤稱,目的是掩蓋嬰兒接種疫苗死亡的事實。

我認為可以肯定的是,這跟最近所創造的以及主媒所使用的他“成人猝死綜合癥” 是相同的。

Although there is considerable evidence that a subset of infants has an increased risk of sudden death after receiving vaccines, health authorities eliminated "prophylactic vaccination" as an official cause of death, so medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause of death classifications.

So-called 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome' is temporality associated with infant vaccination in a statistically significant way. The term is a misleading misnomer to cover up infant vaccine deaths.

I think it is safe to presume the recent coining and mainstream media use of the term 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' is the same.

被隱藏的事實:嬰兒疫苗死亡 Hidden Infant Vaccine Deaths:

#Fact #事實 #CoverUp #掩蓋 #Expose #曝光 #Death #死亡 #KillShot #死亡之針 #ExperimentalJab #實驗性針劑 #Syndrome #綜合癥 #Disease #疾病 #Lie #謊言