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屍殺列車 2.0





報料 Telegram:t.me/standnewsreport
00:02 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道出現三架警車。

大家一人一信推上國際刑事法庭,指證香港已屬「國家暴佈主義」(state terrorism)!





Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to report that during the past few months, there were frequent demonstrations in Hong Kong by the local citizens, which were initiated to object the Extradition Bill proposed by the Hong Kong Government.

During the demonstrations, the Hong Kong Police used unreasonable and brutal forces/violence including physical attacks, tear gas, plastic bullets, sponge rounds bean bag rounds, etc. to disperse and arrest the demonstrators. They targeted at the head of demonstrators when firing bullets, which totally breached Principles 13 of the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials
and would very probably cause lethal or severe injuries to the demonstrators. Actually, the right eyeball of a female first- aider got burst by a bean bag round fired by the police in Tsim Sha Tsui on Aug 11. Comminuted fracture was found in the areas around her right eye, which will very likely result in facial disfigurements. Another male demonstrator was also shot in the eye by the police with a plastic bullet during the demonstration on June 12.

The police, in addition, fired a tremendous amount of tear gas in the city’s densely-populated residential areas and even inside the railway station in an unrestrained manner, which was a very irresponsible act and had already caused harm to not only the demonstrators but also the residents in the community including the elderly and young child. As identified and verified by the demonstrators, tear gas used by the Hong Kong Police were well past the expiry date and we all understand that expired tear gas is doubtlessly toxic or harmful to health.

What even more violated the human rights and ignited the anger of Hong Kong people is that the Hong Kong Police were suspected of beating up the demonstrators unlawfully after they had been arrested. Many of them were sent to hospital for various levels of injuries such as bone fracture and brain hemorrhage.

Furthermore, the Hong Kong Police was also accused of humiliating a female demonstrator by conducting strip-search in violation of proper protocol. The female demonstrator, who identified herself as Ms. Lui, was arrested weeks ago at a protest against the now-abandoned extradition bill and was admitted to hospital for injuries she suffered that night. Right after being discharged from the hospital, Ms. Lui was taken to a nearby police station. A woman officer ordered her to take off all her clothes for body search and ordered her to squat and rise three times and turn around. By Ms. Lui’s account, one officer patted her thighs with a pen, instructing her to open her legs wider.

Ms. Lui’s lawyer, Benson Chan, said that the procedure was not in accordance with police procedure. "Lui had already stayed in hospital wearing patient clothing for a few days. Is it possible for her to carry something prohibited?" Her lawyer said. "The only conclusion is that it was a blatant humiliation to her."

For more details, please refer to

Till now, the Hong Kong SAR Government still keeps on refusing to form an independent investigation committee to investigate the current turmoil as well as the seemingly unlawful acts done by the police force.

In this regard, I would like to seek your assistance to instigate investigation into the unlawful enforcement of the Hong Kong Police.

Thank you for your kind attention. I hope by your international impartial status and the connection with the UN, you can help us to stop the violence and offences being done by the Hong Kong Police, and bring true justice to us.

Yours sincerely,

A Hong Kong Citizen
👆🏻A template for the previous post

//To people all around the world,

We, Hongkongers just experienced a terrorist attack planned and executed by our Hong Kong Police Force. At about 10pm today, our police force rushed into our railway system in Prince Edward station, got in to the carriage and indifferently beat up all the people in it regardless they are protesters or simply passengers. They ignored the weapon guidelines and fired tear gas indoor in the carriage which is in fact lethal. Also, they beat up innocent people causing them seriously wounded. Some passengers kneeled before them asking them to stop but the response they got were beaten ever harder. Meanwhile, the police haven’t arrested the passengers after they got beaten up, showing that the only purpose of their brutality was to sort their anger to violence but not dispersing the crowd.

We, Hongkongers are experiencing a humanitarian crisis and we hope that people all over the world can help us in anyways you can think of. Thank you and we will stay strong.


早前有藍絲手持錘仔襲擊入車卡的示威者,示威者還擊。MTR 控制室報警後(或一早已有警察)馬上有大量防暴衝入站內,拘捕示威者及無差別攻擊乘客,形成太子屍殺列車2.0。整件事極有可能是警黑另一場預早的佈局。
01:28 太子的防暴又再出動,破壞社會安寧。
RTHK32 直播兩小時中,警察不斷被市民指罵及被路邊汽車響咹。究竟係香港警察定係過街老鼠乞人憎啲呢?

Source: i-cable news

02:39 有人在柴灣警察宿舍外用雜物架設路障

02:41 柴灣警察宿舍內有人用木棍攻擊門外人士

02:43 柴灣警察宿舍內有人以消防喉向外噴射門外人士

02:47 柴灣警察宿舍內有防暴警察戒備

02:50 柴灣示威者向警察宿舍內射水


02:58 柴灣有示威者用木棍攻擊警察宿舍,宿舍內住客用消防喉噴水還擊

03:01 柴灣有人向警察宿舍投擲雜物

03:02 柴灣警察宿舍內防暴警察舉黑旗

03:02 防暴警察於柴灣警察宿舍內施放催淚煙
荔枝角站已經把十名傷者運送上救護車 👇🏻