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Commemorating The 18th Anniversary Of The September 11 Terrorist Attacks

Forwarded from 香港大專學界國際事務代表團 HKIAD
代表團 - 英國之行 - Hong Kong Watch Seminar 🇬🇧 | HKIAD - Visit to London - Hong Kong Watch Seminar 🇬🇧

代表團成員到達倫敦,出席了Hong Kong Watch於英國國會內舉辦的研討會。我們於發言中從香港年輕一代的角度表達了我們的訴求和憂慮,要求英國政府承認中國違反《中英聯合聲明》並向英國政府提出了以下幾點建議:

1. 英國國會應立法通過Global Magnitsky Act制裁損害香港自治的官員;
2. 為英國國民(海外)提供更多權益及保障

英國國會議員Fiona Bruce MP, Catherine West MP以及Steve Double MP亦有發言並表態支持香港。

Joey Siu, Sunny Cheung and Kex Leung of the HKIAD attended the seminar held by the Hong Kong Watch in the UK Parliament. From the viewpoint of the younger generations in Hong Kong, we expressed our concerns and demands. We call for the UK Government to declare a breach by China of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and we made few suggestions,

1. Introduce Global Magnitsky Style Act sanction on individuals who infringe autonomy, freedom and basic human rights of Hongkongers;
2. Grant more rights to British Nationals (Overseas)

Fiona Bruce MP, Catherine West MP and Steve Double MP also gave a few words to us and showed their support and solidarity with Hong Kong.
Forwarded from 香港大專學界國際事務代表團 HKIAD
【代表團 - 英國之行 - 與前港督彭定康會面 🇬🇧 | HKIAD - Visit to London - Meeting with the former Governor of Hong Kong Lord Chris Patten🇬🇧


1. 英國政府應增加更多權利及予BNO持有人。
2. 英國政府使用Global Magnitsky Act制裁損害香港自治的官員。

Joey Siu, Sunny Cheung and Kex Leung of the HKIAD met the former Governor of Hong Kong, Lord Chris Patten. We exchanged our thoughts about the current situation of Hong Kong and expressed our concerns as students. Lord Chris Patten expressed his love to Hong Kong and support to Hongkongers.

Lord Patten shows strong support to the suggestions that:
1. UK government should grant greater rights to BNO holders.
2. UK government should use the Global Magnitsky Act to sanction officials who severely undermine the autonomy of Hong Kong.

Thank you Lord Patten! 🇬🇧🇭🇰❤️

#HKIAD #IAD #StudentDiplomacy #CitizenDiplomacy #UKWithHK #StandWithHK #HongKongWatch 🇬🇧🇭🇰

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