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🇷🇺🇺🇦Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

▫️The grouping of Russian troops and units of the Donetsk people's militia have completely liberated Illich Steelworks from Ukrainian nationalists as a result of offensive in Mariupol city.

💥High-precision, long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles struck a military facility on the outskirts of Kiev tonight.

💥The strike on Zhulyansk machine-building plant Vizar destroyed the production and repair workshops of long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems as well as anti-ship missiles.

❗️The number and scale of missile strikes against assets in Kiev will increase in response to any terrorist attacks or sabotage on Russian territory by Kiev nationalist regime.

💥Russian air defence means near Gorodnya, Chernigov Region, have shot down 1 Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter with S-400 anti-aircrasft missile system while it was returning to its airbase, after attacking civilians in Klimovo, Bryansk Region on April 14. Ukrainian Air Force Su-27 fighter jet has been shot down near Lozovaya, Kharkov Region.

💥Also, 8 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down near Izyum, Levkovka, Novaya Astrakhan, Novaya Kuban, Shchastlivoe, Chernobaevka and Cherniy Sokol.

💥During the night, 7 enemy assets were hit by high-precision air-based missiles. Among them:

▫️Tochka-U tactical missile launcher and a temporary deployment point of Ukrainian nationalist group, including up to 20 armoured vehicles and up to 50 nationalists, were destroyed near Yasenovoe;

▫️the Ukrainian military equipment and weapons have been destroyed near Dergachi, Novoelizavetovka and Povstanskoe;

▫️missile and artillery weapons and fuel depots were destroyed in Nikolaev and Parutino.

💥Missile troops have eliminated a mercenary unit of a Polish private military campaign in Izyumskoe, Kharkov Region. Up to 30 Polish mercenaries were killed.

💥A total of 221 assets were also hit, including: 12 command posts, 176 strong points and areas of enemy manpower concentration, 12 artillery firing positions were suppressed.

✈️💥Operational-tactical aviation hit 13 military assets of Ukraine during the night. Among them: 2 depots of missile and artillery weapons, as well as 10 areas of concentration of Ukrainian weapons and military equipment.

🚁💥Army aviation destroyed areas of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment concentration, including 3 strong points, 9 armoured vehicles and vehicles of various purposes in Gusarovka and Volobuevka.

📊In total, 132 aircraft and 105 helicopters, 245 anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, Buk-M1, Osa AKM, 456 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,213 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 249 multiple launch rocket systems, 966 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,110 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

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🇷🇺🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry (video)

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#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
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⚡️The Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response, in cooperation with the authorized federal executive authorities, continues to record numerous facts of the inhumane attitude of the Kiev authorities to civilians:

▫️In Liman city, Donetsk People's Republic, in a nursing home, Ukrainian nationalist fighters have set up a stronghold in a nursing home and placed heavy weapons, while the staff and elderly citizens are forcibly held as "human shield".

▫️In Nikolaev city, territorial defence fighters have prepared another sophisticated provocation with numerous victims. For this purpose, in Korabelny district near the enterprise Nikolaev aircraft repair plant on Znamenskaya street, neo-Nazis installed radio-controlled explosive devices with projectile elements, which they plan to activate in case of a mass gathering of civilians and blame Russian servicemen for this.

❗️ We warn the so-called civilized West in advance that this and other similar bloody fakes from the Kiev authorities about the alleged "Russian atrocities" are planned to be widely spread through the Western media in the near future.

▫️ Such actions of the Ukrainian authorities, once again, demonstrate their inhumane attitude to the fate of the people of Ukraine and indicate complete disregard for all norms of morality and international humanitarian law.

📄Full text of the Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response

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🇷🇺🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry (video) (April 26,2022)

Full text

#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
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🇷🇺National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation, under the leadership of the head of the military Department, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, holds a teleconference with the leadership of the Armed Forces

Key points⬇️

🔹Units of the Russian army together with the people's militias of the Lugansk and the Donetsk people's republics are expanding their control over the territories of the LPR and DPR.

🔹Our troops are taking comprehensive measures to protect civilians. Peaceful life is being established in the LPR and DPR territories and Ukraine, which have been liberated from nationalists.

🔹The remnants of the militants at the Azovstal plant's industrial zone are blocked around the perimeter of the territory.

🔹The US and its NATO allies continue to pump Ukraine with weapons. Any North Atlantic Alliance transport arriving in the country with weapons or materiel for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is considered a legitimate target for us to hit.

🔹In the course of the special operation, our servicemen are showing courage and bravery, honourably fulfilling their military duty and ensuring the safety of the Donbass population.

🔹11,000 people, 131 pieces of weapons and military equipment and 77 aircraft will take part in the parade on Red Square, dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Victory.

🔹This year, military parades will take place in 28 Russian cities. They will involve nearly 65,000 people, about 2,400 four hundred weapons and military equipment, and more than 460 aircraft.

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🎙 #Briefing by Deputy Spokesperson Alexey #Zaytsev on topical foreign policy issues, May 6, 2022:


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📹🏳️In Mariupol, militants of Azov nationalist unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant continue to surrender.

▫️Over the past 24 hours, 694 militants have laid down arms and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

🏥A total of 959 militants have surrendered since 16 May, including 80 wounded, of whom 51 need hospital treatment have been admitted to Novoazovsk hospital in the Donetsk People's Republic.

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⚡️The territory of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, where a group of Ukrainian militants of the Azov Nazi group has been blocked since April 21, has been completely liberated.

▫️The underground facilities of the enterprise, where the militants had been hiding, have come under full control of the Russian Armed Forces.

▫️Since May 16, a total of 2,439 Azov Nazis and AFU servicemen blocked inside the plant have laid down their arms and surrendered during the operation.

▫️Today, the last group of 531 militants surrendered.

▫️The so-called "commander" of the Azov Nazis, due to the hatred of Mariupol residents and the desire of the townspeople to massacre him for his numerous atrocities, was removed from the territory of the plant in a special armoured vehicle.

▫️Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shopify reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the completion of the operation and the complete liberation of the plant and Mariupol city from the Ukrainian militants.

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🇷🇺🚛 Russian servicemen deliver humanitarian aid to the crew of the Turkish ship in Kherson port

▫️Servicemen of the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered humanitarian aid to the crew of the Turkish ship "Ferhanaz", which is in Kherson port.

▫️The ship entered the Ukrainian port before the start of the special military operation and remained blocked in it due to mines laid by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

🚌 Eight Turkish citizens stayed on the ship, the rest of the crew were evacuated to their homeland by Russian military.

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Number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine.pdf
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📑 Russian Ministry of Defence publishes data on the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine

By June 17, 2022

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❗️Against the backdrop of the Kiev regime's mounting military failures and massive daily losses in manpower and equipment, the flow of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine has not only decreased, but is actually turning in the opposite direction.

⚡️Despite the Kiev regime's efforts and increased payments, the process of mercenaries leaving to the "other world" or back to their countries of residence has not been stopped by the Kiev leadership.

💬Recent empty statements about almost "20,000" foreigners "fighting" against the Russian Armed Forces are just plain lies.

▫️As we have already noted, the Russian Defence Ministry monitors and records the presence in Ukraine of every representative of this international gathering of "headless horsemen".

▫️Moreover, it is not only mercenaries directly involved in combat operations as part of Ukrainian units that are now included in our databases. We also take into account the trainers who have come to train, assist in the operation and repair of Western weapons supplied to Ukraine.

📊We will publish these statistics today.

▫️For example, among European countries, Poland is the undisputed leader in terms of the number of mercenaries both arriving and dying. Since the beginning of the special military operation, 1,831 people have arrived in Ukraine, of whom 378 have already been killed and 272 mercenaries have departed for their homeland. It is followed by Romania with 504 arrivals, 102 deaths and 98 departures. The UK is in third place: 422 arrivals, 101 deaths, 95 departures.

▫️Among the Americas, Canada leads the way: 601 arrivals, 162 deaths, 169 departures. The USA comes second: 530 arrivals, 214 deaths, 227 departures.

▫️From the Middle East, Transcaucasus and Asia the largest number, 355 mercenaries, came from Georgia, of whom 120 died and 90 left Ukraine. Then there are 200 terrorist fighters redeployed from the US-controlled areas of Jazira region in Syria. To date, 80 have been eliminated and 66 have left Ukraine.

▫️In total, our lists as at June 17, 2022, include mercenaries and weapons operating specialists from 64 countries. Since the beginning of the special military operation, 6,956 people have arrived in Ukraine, 1,956 have already been eliminated and 1,779 have left.

▫️As long as 3,321 mercenaries are alive, not yet captured, or have not yet escaped to the Ukrainian border.

📑Detailed information is published on the Russian Ministry of Defence's information resources on the Internet.

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⚠️ Ukrainian Armed Forces and Ukrainian nationalist fighters continue to use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes:

🔹in Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region, AFU and territorial defence units are stationed in school (Shevchenko st.), and military equipment and artillery are deployed in the immediate vicinity of the school;

🔹in Parkhomovka, Kharkov region, soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries are stationed in the building of the cultural centre, while armoured vehicles, artillery and multiple rocket launchers are located on the adjacent territory;

🔹in Nikolaev, Ukrainian nationalists have equipped firing positions on the lower and upper floors of residential buildings (Kosmonautov st.), with an anti-aircraft gun mounted on the roof of one of the buildings. Local residents are forcibly detained in said residences;

🔹in Kramatorsk, Donetsk People's Republic, nationalists have equipped firing positions and sniper points on the territory of kindergarten No. 93 (Proizdnaya st.), and approaches to the building are mined, but the local population is deliberately not informed about this;

🔹in Odessa, Ukrainian militants have equipped a stronghold in school No 113 (Black Sea Cossacks st.) and placed heavy weapons and equipment in the courtyard;

🔹in Toretsk, Donetsk People's Republic, AFU servicemen have equipped barracks and firing positions on the territory of the power plant, boarding school (Glinka st.), young technicians' station (Shakhteher Avenue), school No 2 (Gogol st.) and school No 5 (Liberators of Donbas Street) and a stronghold and weapons storage facilities in a multi-storey residential building (Tereshkova st.).

▫️Local residents are forbidden to leave their flats, and all attempts by citizens to evacuate to safe areas are severely curtailed.

▫️Such actions by Kiev once again demonstrate an inhuman attitude towards the fate of its own citizens and show a complete disregard for all norms of morality and international humanitarian law.

❗️The crimes of the Kiev regime are still ignored by the world community and international organizations.

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⚠️ According to reliable information, it has been established that Ukrainian special services in Nikolaev have organized the preparation of video clips of allegedly destroyed private households and local residents left homeless as a result of shelling by the Russian Armed Forces.

▫️More than 40 actors were involved in the staged video filming and all participants were paid cash reward of $25.

▫️In the future, the staged footage will be distributed in the Ukrainian and Western media, accusing the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate strikes against civilian targets.

▫️Once again we emphasise to the entire international community that such fakes, cultivated by the Ukrainian "lie factory" at the order of Western curators, do not contain reliable and objective information.

❗️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation treat civilians extremely humanely and do not strike at civilian infrastructure.

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⚡️Emergency statement by Russian Defence Ministry

The units of the LPR People's Militia, with the support of Russian troops under the command of Army General S.V. Surovikin, as a result of successful offensive operations, completely liberated Severodonetsk and Borovskoye, Voronovo and Sirotino of LPR.

Thus, the enemy's attempt to turn the industrial zone of the Severodonetsk Azot enterprise into a stubborn center of resistance was thwarted. Currently, the territory of this enterprise is controlled by units of the LPR People's Militia.

With the liberation of Severodonetsk and Borovskoye, the entire left-bank territory of the Seversky Donets within the borders of LPR came under its full control.

Russian Defence Ministry spokesperson Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov

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⚡️☣️ Briefing on the results of analysing documents related to the military-biological activity of the USA in Ukraine

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🗂 Documents

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​​🗓 Top News Today

🇷🇺 Plenary session of the First International Anti-Fascist Congress was held, where the Russian Minister of Defence, General at the Army, Sergei Shoigu made an opening speech. The congress participants visited an exhibition of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian army seized by Russian servicemen during a special military operation.

📑 In Patriot Congress and Exhibition Centre summed up the results of the six-day scientific and business programme of the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY 2022.

◽️ Russian Defence Minister, General at the Army Sergei Shoigu, saw promising weapons and military equipment presented at ARMY 2022 International Military Exhibition.

⚠️ Against the backdrop of military defeats in Donbasы and elsewhere, the Zelenskyi regime sanctioned terrorist acts involving the use of chemical poisoning substances against Russian servicemen and civilians.

📹 Footage of Airborne Troops unit carrying out its tasks during the operation, as well as footage of provision of humanitarian aid to residents of liberated settlements in Kharkov Region, has been published.

💥 High-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces have hit combat positions of Kraken nationalist formation and a unit of foreign mercenaries near Andreevka, Kharkov Region, killing over 100 militants, including up to 20 US mercenaries.

💥 As a result of strikes on combat positions of a tank battalion of 28th Mechanized Brigade near Kiselevka, Nikolaev Region, and 212th Rifle Battalion of AFU near Apostolovo, Dnepropetrovsk Region, the enemy has suffered over 200 casualties.

⚠️ Russian Federation's Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response as well as the use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes by Ukrainian armed formations.

🌐 International Army Games continue. More than 184,000 spectators have visited the competition sites over the past 24 hours. According to preliminary results, the Russian Federation team is in the lead in the overall standings of the Games, followed by Belarus and Uzbekistan.

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​​🗓 Top News Today

🇷🇺🇹🇷 Russian and Turkish defence ministers have held telephone talks.

An earthquake has occured in the northwestern part of Syria. The Minister of Defence of Russia has given instructions to the Commander of the Russian Group of Forces in Syria to provide assistance in eliminating the consequences caused by the force of nature.

🏳️ Surrendered Ukrainian militant Yevgeny Krikun has told about the situation in his unit.

💥 In Kupyansk direction, the artillery of the 'Zapad' Group of Forces has neutralised the AFU manpower and hardware near Gryanikovka, Sinkovka, Timkovka, Krakhmalnoye (Kharkov region), and Novosyolovskoye (LPR).

💥 In Krasny Liman direction, the artillery strikes and the offensive operations, conducted by the 'Tsentr' Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU units near Stelmakhovka (LPR), Novosadovoye, Yampolovka (DPR), and Serebryanskoye forestry.

💥 In Donetsk direction, the successful offensive operations, conducted by volunteers from assault detachments, supported by Missile Troops and Artillery of the 'Yug' Group of Forces, have resulted in the liberation of Nikolayevka (DPR).

💥 In South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, the artillery strikes and the active operations, conducted by the units from the 'Vostok' Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU manpower and hardware near Ugledar (DPR), and Novodarovka (Zaporozhye region).

🪖 T-90M Proryv tank crews and UAV operators have attended a training in the rear area of the special military operation. Mobilised personnel from Primorye region improve their skills in Zaporozhye region.

📹 Russian Defence Ministry has published footage of medical units, Mi-28N helicopters, special armoured train, and Nona self-propelled guns in action within the special military operation.

#MoD #TopNews #Russia #Ukraine
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, October 10, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Palestinian-Israeli conflict
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Investigation into the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines
🔹 Upcoming general local elections in Moldova
🔹 Nuremberg Trials
🔹 Illegitimate unilateral sanctions imposed by Washington
🔹 Reform of the WTO

and much more...

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💬 We are extremely concerned about the developments in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone.

The top priority now is a ceasefire and stopping the bloodshed. We support the efforts of all stakeholders to address this critical issue. This would make it possible to avoid new casualties, end the suffering of the civilian population, ensure their evacuation through humanitarian corridors and prevent the situation from sliding into a region-wide humanitarian disaster.


💬 Against the backdrop of the Middle East events, US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested that some of the NATO-supplied weapons imported to Ukraine could have been used in the hostilities in Israel.

It is gratifying that the West, albeit fatally late, is beginning to see the light. Some are beginning to realise what is happening, even if only a few people. Russia has long warned the sponsors of the Kiev regime about the high risks of their weapons ending up on the black market and spreading around the world. And that's exactly what has happened.


💬 Russia and China speak out against illegitimate unilateral sanctions imposed by Washington and its satellites. We consider them merely a manifestation of their impotent rage against the emerging new democratic multipolar international order.

Moscow and Beijing are interested in developing international trade and economic ties based on mutual benefits and honest competition. We condemn the attempts to achieve one’s own economic prosperity at the expense of others, because it is nothing but colonialism.
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🎙 Briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, November 9, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Palestinian-Israeli conflict
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Rise of nationalism in the world
🔹 Antisemitism in the United States
🔹 Nord Stream terrorist attack
🔹 Treaties to which the US is not a party
🔹 Moldova
🔹 Russophobia in Latvia
🔹 Tokyo Trial

and more...

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Not only have the people across the ocean opted to ignore the cruelty with which the Kiev regime has been using American weapons against civilians, but they even view this as something rather normal. We used to say that they probably failed to notice these developments. But no, they believe them to be the norm. This is the new normal for them, together with the fact that supplying more and more weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis causes hostilities to escalate and increasingly draws the United States into the conflict in and around Ukraine.


The Gaza Strip is under a ruthless blockade, which primarily affects the civilians. Gaza is experiencing a critical lack of fuel, food, and medications. The clean water shortage is fraught with a sharp deterioration in the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

We appreciate the initiation of the process for evacuating foreign nationals from the Gaza Strip to Egypt through the Rafah Border Crossing.

Along with addressing immediate de-escalation tasks, we consider it important to take steps to lay the foundation for relaunching a full-fledged political process in order to provide a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue on a recognised international legal basis.
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❗️ Joint Statement of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations (Nizhny Novgorod, June 10, 2024)

📄 Full Statement

1. The BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations met on 10 June 2024 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation. They exchanged views on major global and regional trends and issues. They reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the framework of #BRICS Strategic Partnership under the three pillars of cooperation – politics and security, economy and finance, cultural and people-to-people exchanges. They reaffirmed their commitment to the BRICS spirit featuring mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness, and consensus.


5. Mindful of the 2023 Johannesburg II Declaration the Ministers voiced their support for a comprehensive reform of the #UnitedNations, including its Security Council, with a view to making it more democratic, representative, effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of developing countries in the Council’s memberships so that it can adequately respond to prevailing global challenges and support the legitimate aspirations of emerging and developing countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America, including BRICS countries, to play a greater role in international affairs, in particular in the United Nations, including its Security Council. They also recognized the legitimate aspirations of African countries, reflected in the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration.


15. The Ministers recognised the negative impact on the world economy and sustainable development from unilateral approaches in breach of international law. They expressed concern about the use of unilateral coercive measures, which are incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the UN and produce negative effects on economic growth, trade, energy, health and food security notably in the developing world.


32. The Ministers recalled their national positions concerning the situation in and around #Ukraine as expressed in the appropriate fora, including the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. They noted with appreciation relevant proposals of mediation and good offices aimed at peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.


34. The Ministers expressed grave concern at the deterioration of the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the unprecedented escalation of violence in the #Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli military operation that led to mass civilian displacement, death and casualties, and destruction of civilian infrastructure. In this regard they called for the effective implementation of the relevant UNGA resolutions and UNSC resolution 2720 and for immediate safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip <…>

36. The Ministers reiterated that the principle “African solutions to African problems” should continue to serve as the basis for conflict resolution on the African continent. In this regard they reiterated their support for African peace efforts on the continent, including those undertaken by the African Union, and African sub-regional organisations.


40. The Ministers expressed strong condemnation of any acts of #terrorism as criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, whenever, wherever and by whomsoever committed. They strongly condemned the inhumane terrorist attack on 22 March 2024 at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow <…>

54. The Ministers expressed their full support to the Russian Federation’s BRICS Chairship in 2024 under the theme “Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security”. They expressed their commitment to working together to ensure the success of the XVI BRICS Summit. The Ministers looked forward to the next BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations meeting to be held on the margins of UNGA79 and hosted by Brazil as incoming Chair of BRICS in 2025.