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#CCP's is determined to wipe out any voices it doesn't like. #JimmyLai, already in maximum security prison, had his assets frozen under the #nationalsecuritylaw yesterday. More crackdown on press e.g. the legislation of against so-called "#fakenews", i.e. whatever #Beijing doesn't want you to hear, is to be expected.
#HongKong journalists are still determined to hold their fort, despite the avalanche of attacks. RESPECT.
#appledaily #pressfreedom #freedomofspeech #democracy #China #media #journalism #english #diyms
#CCP's crackdown is getting crazier and crazier, that's all we can say. Months ago it has been claiming that Apple Daily must be shut down "by law", the law it is referring to one that descended on #HongKong without any popular consent, completely bypassing the legislative and even executive branch of #HK. The only pro-democracy newspaper is likely to be gone in the matter of days, but we know CCP won't stop here. Thank you, Apple Daily, for holding the fort for so long. You deserve the respect of everyone who believes in #pressfreedom
#china #censorship #freedomofpress #crackdown #journalism #jimmylai #english #diyms
"They're only going after #JimmyLai" ➡️ "They're only going after #AppleDaily" ➡️ "They're only going after pro-democracy Chinese media" ➡️ "They're only going after pro-democracy media" ➡️ "They ONLY GOING AFTER......?????"
More bad news! Sorry :( :(
#freedomofpress #pressfreedom #censorship #standnews #jounalism #hk #hongkong #english #diyms
Never ending harassment of Apple Daily’s staff.

Seriously, 'colluding with foreign forces' just for writing? ffs.

#appledaily #PressFreedom #JimmyLai #HongKong #HKPF #hongkongpolice #nationalsecuritylaw #NSL #diyms #english
"I agreed to the facts and I would like to say sorry," reportedly this is what #AndyLi said in court. Is it just me who thinks that he was given no choice but to plead guilty, after experiencing: 7 months of detention in #China, more than 3 months of solitary confinement in #HongKong, having to give evidence without a legal representative.
#JimmyLai is now in jail, he's being charged of colluding with foreign forces and illegal assembly. His assets are frozen and his newspaper #AppleDaily was forced to close down in June 2021.
#HK #CCP #Save12HKYouths #nationalsecuritylaw #NSL
The trials of pro-democracy activists such as #JimmyLai and #LeeCheukyan are pretty much pre-concluded, but the court is also an occasion where #ChowHangtung talks about what commemorating the #Tiananmen Massacre means to her and to #HongKong. For many years, the pan-democrats have been criticised for being overly ceremonial and neglecting the substance of rallies, Chow was here to tell #HongKongers that beliefs can be manifested in different ways, or as long as they are in our hearts, they may not need to be manifested at all. Be water.
#bewater #beijing #ccp #freedomofspeech
#HongKongers are not fighting for nothing. Our determination and perseverance are seen and acknowledged. But at the same time, #CCP's destruction of the civil society makes it ever harder to see our comrades, for us to be together. Our faith might not be on parade everyday, but it is not lost. Don't forget the people still holding on to their beliefs.
To the people of #HongKong: don't underestimate the strength of doing what's right. 🥺
#China #Beijing #AppleDaily #JimmyLai #nationalsecuritylaw
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CCP's crackdown is getting crazier and crazier, that's all we can say. Months ago it has been claiming that Apple Daily must be shut down "by law", the law it is referring to one that descended on #HongKong without any popular consent, completely bypassing the legislative and even executive branch of #HK. The only pro-democracy newspaper is likely to be gone in the matter of days, but we know CCP won't stop here. Thank you, Apple Daily, for holding the fort for so long. You deserve the respect of everyone who believes in #pressfreedom
#china #censorship #freedomofpress #crackdown #journalism #jimmylai #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Did Zhao Lijian and Hua Chunying break the "#nationalsecuritylaw" too if they're on Twitter? The only crime committed by #JimmyLai is telling the truth.
#nsl #hk #hongkong #appledaily #freedomofpress #pressfreedom #english #diyms #ccp #china
Latest convicted “criminals”: apparently nothing happened at #tiananmensquare on #8964 🙃? But then why is commemorating something never happen being a problem … ? Or … something did happened?
So confused.
#ccp #fuckccp #boycottchina #china #appledaily #jimmylai #hongkong #standwithhongkong
In a nutshell, #CCP accuses the now defunct #AppleDaily of making people hate the government and #Beijing. Nope, people hate you because you are an a**hole - you beat us, shot us, rape us, make up crimes and throw our elected representatives into prison without trials, kills everything we hold dear.
#HongKong #HK #China #JimmyLai #pressfreedom #nationalsecuritylaw
International communities have not given up. They still have their eyes on #hongkong#staystrong #hongkonger
#jimmylai #appledaily #standwithhongkong #fuckccp #boycottchina #china #ccp #christian #catholic
With the spiralling madness in #HongKong these days, we wonder... what would #AppleDaily say if they were still around? They would point out the lies and arrogance of the #CCP puppet government, they would expose the web of political networks among officials attending the stupid Witman Hung birthday parties, they would certainly report on the impossible sufferings #HKers are put thru with these crazy lockdown rules.
What does the demise of Apple Daily mean? That the CCP would bend to nothing to crush its opposition, and #HK serves as an example to the world.
#journalism #freedomofpress #pressfreedom #freedomofspeech #jimmylai #democracy
The detainment and jailing of journalists in the new #HongKong all hangs on an invisible “red lines” set out under the so-called “National Security Law”. At the end of the day, the city now functions under the rule of man, one man in particular, than the rule of law we have prided ourselves on for decades. We urge our allies who believe in the #freedomofpress to act in solidarity with #HK’s finest professionals.
#pressfreedom #CCP #AppleDaily #JimmyLai #standnews #citizennews #hkcnews