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#HK #US #nationalsecuritylaw #economy (updated version admin on9 sorry)
Why still do business with China when their economy is declining?

#ccp #china #economy #english #diyms #boycottchina
[7-Day Project: CCP’s Worldwide Infiltration]
#CCP is buying up #Australia in the dark.
Please feel free to use the hashtags
#ccpinvasion_australia #ccpinvasion on social media!
#economy #invasion
"China is a giant gold mine. We shouldn't miss out on economic benefits! Change through trade!!" - OH REALLY?
Second thoughts: hope those protesters don't "disappear", like their investor payments...
#China #CCP #trust #economy #economicslowdown #english #DIYms #Sichuan
Dear world, believe in Hong Kongers. Dear Hong Kongers, believe in yourselves. #HK #hongkong #usa #uk #economy #brexit #english #diyms
As human beings, we all have a responsibility to speak up for the oppressed. #China's abuse of #Uyghurs is atrocious. Glad to see some actions are finally taken but it's far from enough!
#CCP #Uyghurlivesmatter #UyghurGenocide #economy #blacklist #english #diyms
Another example of China’s double standard. Any #CCP’s economic policies serve to fortify the party’s power, the livelihood of people? Well - if it serves the party, why not? If it doesn’t, the #Chinese masses can go to hell.
#China #XiJinping #Dengxiaoping #marxist #economy #english #diyms
TLDR: fake data from China again, just trying to show the world they are strong and powerful.

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

That may work in Orwell’s dystopia. But in the age where factchecking is a thing - F off.

#ccp #china #economy #orwell #1984 #fakechina #factcheck #diyms #english
Shameless #CCP, calling democratic countries imperialists when it is being the colonizer of #Asia and #Africa with #BeltandRoad debt trap.
#china #colonialism #debttrap #economy #crisis #English #DIYms
Hong Kong’s fight is not as irrelevant as you may think! We must stop CCP before it gets more powerful and out of control.

China get to have economic growth because it aided the spread of #COVID to the world? The heck.

#ccp #china #meme #US #america #CEBR #economy #coronavirus #covid19 #diyms #english
Pretty easy to archive a lot ... if you fake it. Or faking so much stuffs also a great achievement? LoL ....
Here we present you the forever winner (faker) - China!
#boycottchina #fuckccp #fakechina #fake #chinaliepeopledie #economy #poverty
#CCP once again tells the world it has no wish to play by the rules. The shamelessness... 🙄🙄
#China #sanctions #economy #trade #english #diyms
tldr: #CCP's behaving like a 5-year-old on a playground, and it didn't quite work.
"We will not allow any country to reap benefits from doing business with China while groundlessly accusing and smearing China and undermining China's core interests based on ideology," said #ZhaoLijian, spokesperson of China's Foreign Ministry. #Canberra's reply is that #Australia will put its broader national interest above economic interests. What's more, Australian coal and wine have found their way to other markets, and their #ironore just kept being bought by #China simply because China needs them.
#coal #wine #beef #diplomacy #economy #english #diyms
Wrestling … wrestling …
US vs China?
More like democracies and freedom vs tyranny!
Let’s read - How is the US countering China’s money in poorer countries?
#ccp #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #us #economy #india #ethiopia #greece #usa #washington #beijing #meme #english #diyms