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Byebye China :)
Samsung was involved in the Uyghur Forced Labour Scandal earlier this year - but nice to see a change!

#samsung #ccp #southkorea #vietnam #korea #china #uyghur #diyms #english
#China's disregard of #intellectualproperty is so absurd and sickening. In this country you can find a #copycat of any brand. Even #MichaelJordan had once lost a lawsuit against a counterfeit of his #sports brand in 2019. Seriously, don't expect others to respect you if you can't respect others.
#ccp #intellectualpropertytheft #theft #english #DIYms
Holding a prestigious event like the Olympics is a reputation laundry for #CCP, justifying its human rights abuses in #Xinjiang, #Tibet, #HongKong, #SouthernMongolia. Beijing is not worthy as an Olympics host. #NoRightsNoGames. // #Olympics #WinterOlympics #uyghurs #english #diyms
The anniversary of Yin-lam's death is in a week. Whatever the verdict is, to us, she is a true daughter of #HongKong. There's no RIP before justice is done.
The jury at the Coroner's Court has unanimously ruled Yin-lam death inconclusive, after being guided to rule out the possibility of "illegal killing" and "suicide". #ChanYinLam's death had captured public attention, outrage, and to us, it reeks of foul play. A competitive swimmer drowning, wearing nothing? We all know #CCP and the #HongKongPolice are capable of any nauseating actions imaginable.
#HongKong #HK #English #DIYms
Historically, #Mulan is a hero who defends her people against aggression, but it seems that #Disney's Mulan is best buds with the dictator. Supporting the crackdown of #HongKong activists and thanking #CCP for letting them film in #Xinjiang? Hello hypocrite!
#BoycottMulan #closethecamps #Uyghurs #HK #English #korean #DIYms