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【國際戰線要人聯署:Calling on the French Government to suspend the sales of tactical suits to HK Police!】


香港眾志 Demosistō剛發起全球聯署,促請法國政府停止准許該等戰術套裝出口予香港黑警;縱使「停止向香港出口可能違反人權的人群管制裝備」的議案沒有約束力,法國政府作為歐盟成員國,若然繼續出口裝備,明顯是對香港警暴問題視若無睹。

A government that constantly changes its mind
Hong Kong government’s unjust resource allocation #FailedState
As the new coronavirus continues to rage across China, some experts say information control by the Chinese government could be a contributing factor.

They argue that the central and local governments have prevented key information from reaching the public, keeping the Chinese people in the dark about how widespread the infection really is. This has made it difficult to put proper preventive measures in place.

Professor Ichiro Korogi, an expert in Chinese politics at the Kanda University of International Studies, says the government might have intentionally withheld information about the infection for the sake of political stability.

In fact, media reports say measures against the new coronavirus were not on the agenda at the Congress. As a result, no sense of crisis was shared with the public, allowing a traditional event called Wan Jia Yan, attended by tens of thousands, to go ahead in Wuhan on 18 as scheduled.

Source : NHK (13-FEB)
#CoronavirusOutbreak #COVID19
How many days are there til your masks run out?

#FaceMask #Shortage
#ChinaEconomy #Crisis
"It’s time for global businesses to admit it: China isn’t a good investment"

The Washington Post, Feb 14, 2020

//The coronavirus outbreak is... an economic as well as a humanitarian crisis.

...Companies have to wonder whether China is peculiarly at risk for these mysterious epidemics. The SARS virus exploded out of China in 2003, causing thousands of infections with a 10 percent mortality rate...But no other global power has had two mysterious, rapidly spreading viruses arise in this time period. Is it worth the risk that it could happen again?

Combined, these factors will increasingly make it cost-effective to bring manufacturing back to the developed world or countries in those nations’ sphere of influence.

None of this will happen overnight, but any rational company has to see the writing on the wall. Slow but steady disengagement with China will cost money in the short term but will likely pay off big in the long term.//

Image: Bloomberg
Summary of Department of Health Press conference dated 13 Feb.

Original image: StandNews