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Let’s not forget Hong Kong’s gov crack down is multi-lateral: media freedom and freaking basic common law, trial by jury.

Is this really for “jury safety” or because they don’t like the variability in the courtroom?

#hongkong #appledaily #standwithhongkong #ruleoflaw #pressfreedom #meme #freedom #justice #ccp #china #fuckccp #carrielam #nationalsecuritylaw #diyms #english
Good old Fascist secret police coming to #HongKong. #Freedom to enter/leave #HK is another thing of the past. Incoming: presumption of guilt before trial.
Another update: Fung Wai-kong, the English editor of former #AppleDaily has been released on bail, without giving an interview to the press. He was taken away in the airport on Sunday when trying to board a flight to the UK.
#freedom #ccp #china #airport #secretpolice #arrest #ruleoflaw #fascism #english #diyms
would make for great photos =)
Thank you for coming to visit me every day and giving me strength. Yesterday we were also touched when Grandma Wong came to see us off and say ‘Gayau’ to us. We’ll stay strong, and you and everyone else on the outside must also remember to keep supporting each other. Sorry I haven’t been shovelling the cat poop at home =(
#HongKong #China #beijing #VictorSo #ruleoflaw #nationalsecuritylaw #lettersfromprison #EmiliaWong #english #diyms
The prosecution is clearly trying to drag out the judicial process as much as possible to exert maximum mental strain on #HongKong’s pro-democracy politicians charged under #nationalsecuritylaw. Whether they even have enough evidence to form a case is questionable, but the defendants are effectively in political prison before a verdict!
#hk #nsl #ccp #china #ruleoflaw #victorso #judiciary #freedom #politicalprisoners #english #diyms
In Hong Kong everyone get a piece of it 🧐
Getting a taste of corrupted rule of law for free 🙃
#ruleoflaw #corruption #standwithhongkong #hongkong #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #policebrutality #policebrutality #english #meme #diyms
Looks like the forced shut down of #AppleDaily, conviction of #TongYingkit under the #nationalsecuritylaw, detention of 47 pro-democracy politicians, their torturous marathon trial etc did not hurt Lord Reed’s “good conscience”. Shameful.
#UK #ruleoflaw #judicialindependence #supremecourt #meme
Punished for exercising basic rights. #CCP is telling #HongKong that having beliefs is criminal!
#hk #freedom #democracy #china #ruleoflaw
It’s not just hongkongers who are disappointed by the lack of justice in the city. #SamuelBickett is an American lawyer who is imprisoned for allegedly "assaulting police officers". He shared his views on the current situation of #HongKong's economy, immigrants and justice system.
Regarding the support he received from #HongKongers in prison, he said "I feel this immense burden not just to get justice on appeal for me but . . . for all these Hong Kongers who supported me.”
#HongKong #America #justice #ruleoflaw #diyms #english
In November 2019, #HongKong’s riot police besieged #CUHK, attacked it with teargas. Over 2,000 teargas shells were found on campus after two days of conflict. 2 years laters, students defending their campus and their lives were convicted of rioting. Every day we are given more examples of the death of #RuleofLaw in the city. The law a political tool bent by the #CCP at will to punish whoever refuse to kowtow.
#riot #foohoiching #china
The panel host was totally mindf**ked after hearing Lord Neuberger , and so is anyone sane.

Imagine a judge in the Court of Final Appeal saying that the rule of law in #China works very well, and the government is well-received by the people - does give you confidence in this city's judicial system eh?
#HongKong #HK #CCP #ruleoflaw #laugh #independentjudiciary #democracy
The loss of the right to legal representation is no longer news in #HongKong, we’ve already got the example of the 12 #HK youths abducted by the #CCP in Aug 2020. Now the first defendant of under the #nationalsecuritylaw #TongYingkit has given up appeal as he is not allowed to appoint his own lawyer under the legal aid scheme.
#ruleoflaw #judiciary #china
Harris confirmed that he had left the city, but declined to give further details.
"Yes, on way to see my mother in England," - a phone message from Harris.
Well, what can we say? Glad he made it out alive.
#CCP #HongKong #exile #independentjudiciary #judge #ruleoflaw #threat #authoritarian
"Disagreeing with the values NSL represents" was the reason these two judges gave for quitting #HongKong. That's how a lot of #HongKongers driven away from their home feel too.
#HK's foundation as a (former) financial centre is based on factors apart from efficiency, but a confidence for investors guaranteed by clean government and the rule of law, they have a reasonable level of faith that their property and money are safeguarded by the law. How can #CCP dream of maintaining #HK's status when it dismantles the very pillars the shores up this financial centre?
#nationalsecuritylaw #China #ruleoflaw
A deeper look into #HongKong’s corrupt judiciary… the scary thing is it doesn’t happen in one day, the decay and degeneration seeped in when people think it’s too far away a prospect to worry about. Don’t let it happen to you. // #CCP #China #ruleoflaw #judiciary #nationalsecuritylaw #UK #TongYingkit #democracy
#GeorgeOrwell wrote "Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing." This is what #CCP is trying to do in #HongKong. What can you do? Frankly we don't know, but for now, hold onto the truth even if you can't say it, you must remind yourself #HongKongers are in the right, and the authority is in the wrong.
#China #ruleoflaw #riot
Perfect example of “Rule by Law” instead of “Rule of Law” - which the #hongkong #puppet government still claimed. Shame.
#ccp #fuckccp #boycottchina #china #ruleoflaw #rulebylaw