國際文宣組 IFC
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#CCP #China only takes, takes, takes and never gives. That’s their idea of international cooperation.
#globalwarming #greenhousegas #climatechange #us #japan #uk #eu #Kerry #english #diyms
#CCP's is determined to wipe out any voices it doesn't like. #JimmyLai, already in maximum security prison, had his assets frozen under the #nationalsecuritylaw yesterday. More crackdown on press e.g. the legislation of against so-called "#fakenews", i.e. whatever #Beijing doesn't want you to hear, is to be expected.
#HongKong journalists are still determined to hold their fort, despite the avalanche of attacks. RESPECT.
#appledaily #pressfreedom #freedomofspeech #democracy #China #media #journalism #english #diyms
Imagine receiving university education just so you can take the most hated and undignified job in #HongKong. We're thoroughly disgusted. Would universities in #Australia (and any other countries, for the matter) stop collaborating with the abusive #HKPolice AT ONCE?
Translation to the #graffiti in the last slide: "The lowest occupation: police"
#HK #policebruality #police #university #job #jobmarket #jobsearch #newsouthwales #english#diyms
Since March 2021, #LesterShum has basically lost his freedom, being one of the 41 pro-democracy politicians prosecuted under the #nationalsecuritylaw and subsequently detained. But that was by no means the only arbitrary charge #CCP pressed on him, he was also accused of "unauthorized assembly" for lighting a candle to commemorate the massacred students in 1989's #TiananmenMassacre. His "guilty" verdict has finally come through earlier this month, joining the ranks of many a political prisoner in #HongKong. He writes very often to the public and his constituent though, it is heartening and sad at the same time, seeing that he has retained his sardonic humour even under such grim circumstances. Please have a read of the excerpts of one of his many letters.
Please do not hesitate to write to him at "PO Box 33854, Sheung Wan Post Office, Hong Kong". As always, we also urge you to write to less well known activists. Please DM for further information!
#HK #prison #democracy #letters #humour #DIYms
#XiJinping is literally called #BigBrother!Prefer superiority of the #CCP and authoritarianism? Be careful of what you wish for.
#CCP #China #media #propaganda #fakenews #narrative #English #DIYms
“If you look at the behavior of the Chinese government, you don’t see any resistance from Apple — no history of standing up for the principles that Apple claims to be so attached to," said the Asia director of #AmnestyInternational. Apple should be on the side of individuals who want to make their lives safer and better with #technology, not of a #tyrant who wants to smother all free thinking!
#Apple #CCP #China #appstore #censorship #surveillance #personaldata #english #diyms