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To y’all scrambling to buy last minute Christmas gifts (like me 😱), please avoid anything #madeinChina. It’d be a nasty surprise if your baby niece’s little dress or nephew’s toy train comes with an #SOS note sent from #Xinjiang.
#uyghurs #uyghurgenocide #ccp #china #english #diyms #concentrationcamps #christmas #cotton #muji #uniqlo #abc_challenge
Forwarded from Stand News 立場新聞
《立場新聞》駐英國團隊 2021 年 2 月下旬開始運作

2020 年,香港社會風雲色變,國安法下人心惶惶,不少香港人選擇離開,或移民,或流亡,另覓自由天地,英國是其中一個熱門目的地。英國政府公布為持 BNO 身份的港人設立移民計劃,將於明年 1 月 31 日起接受申請,估計有數以十萬計的香港人,將移居英國。他們的聲音和故事,需要被聽見。


《立場新聞》駐英團隊將於明年 2 月下旬開始運作。由於資源有限,全職團隊人數少,我們現徵集有志於報道的文字或影像新聞工作者,在當地以特約方式合作。如有興趣,請將個人履歷、以往作品電郵至 ukbureau@thestandnews.com 。
The CCP is infiltrating democratic countries. We should act immediately and prevent their members from getting into the top tier in our system. Some are already in.

#羅冠聰 公開信: https://v.gd/gq1QQw
#共匪 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #English #滲透 #全球禍患
"#HongKongers will never give up" is not just a slogan. Exiled former British Consulate staff #SimonCheng is forming the #HongKongShadowParliament. We will keep going because we love #HongKong.
#hk #hkshadowparliament #shadowparliament #exile #nationalsecuritylaw #english #diyms
Whoever think alibaba and huawei is an ok company please rethink.

#boycottchina #alibaba #ccp #uyghur #closethecamp #china #diyms #huawei
#StandwithHongKong shoudn't be lip service. Foreign investors and governments must do better than funding #HongKong's oppressor!
#ccp #china #tyranny #investment #hk #english #diyms
香港咁 都明嘅😔😔
有努力RT/開po 🤘🏼


點都好 有咩意見可以係@ifc_submit_bot反映 🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️

Tldr: ZERO Press freedom in CCP China

Journalists are being jailed for reporting that truth, or narratives that doesn’t suit the official story.

And certain people (yup looking at you wumao) still believe anything that spilled out from state media 😆

Imagine being that pathetic.

#pressfreedom #ccp #china #diyms #english
Tbh a lot of countries are doing this. Technology itself is okay. Just not in china’s hands.

#geoengineering #ccp #china
Not funny to laugh at those suffering. But who caused this?
Blame them

#ccp #china #coal #australia
Zoom helped China to censor stuff and it’s super uncool. They deserve to be sanctioned.

#zoom #ccp #china #US #diyms
Seeing how #CCP completely violated the Sino-British Joint Declaration on #HongKong, can't exactly say we're surprised how it revealed they will never uphold a deal that they haven't even formally signed with the #EU yet.
CCP style diplomacy in its essence.
#diplomacy #Europe #china #tradedeal #english #DIYms