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【元旦大遊行 不反已出】

可以正式同各位講多次,1.1 維園見!

元旦遊行當日,將會有超過 40 個新成立工會同大家見面,歡迎大家了解詳情,加入你所屬行業的工會,壯大抗爭的組織力量。


2020.1.1 星期三 Wednesday|2PM
維園中央草坪 遊行至 遮打道行人專用區
From Victoria Park (Central Lawn) to
Chater Road Pedestrian Precinct

*Letter of No Objection Received

【海報、單張下載】 http://bit.ly/2QwFg31
#PoliceBrutality in various forms. It has certainly intruded into our daily lives.
#SparkAlliance #Privacy
5 months since 7.21 terrorist attack #721YuenLong
Police: “Protesters Were Led to Yuen Long Station by Malevolent Ringleaders During 7.21 Attacks”; Pro-Democracy Legislator Refutes Such Claims

PPRB Senior Superintendent, Kwong Wing Cheung had been interviewed by Cable TV. When asked about the 7.21 Indiscrimate Attacks in Yuen Long Station, he criticised those whom he claimed had "organised the entire ordeal" and "lead protesters to Yuen Long Station".

Legislative Councillor and victim of the 7.21 Indiscriminate Attacks, Lam Cheuk-ting refuted these claims. He reiterated that civilians had been attacked long before he arrived at the scene. He deplored the police force for spreading rumours and lies fabricated by Junius Ho Kwan-yiu, which only served to deepen the existing social divide and intensify phobias within society.

Source: Stand News
#Dec30 #PoliceLies #July21 #YuenLong
Hong Kong news updates pinned «Pregnant woman arrested in Tin Shui Wai sent to a hospital four hours after vomiting https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/12/31/pregnant-woman-arrested-tin-shui-wai-sent-hospital-four-hours-vomiting/»
China Recruit Volunteers to Promote Loyalty in Canada

The consulate-general of communist China is recruiting “consular liaison volunteers” in Vancouver. Being a consular volunteer is an “honor and a responsibility” and in keeping with the “watchful solidarity of the Chinese people,” says a recent posting on the consulate’s website. A senior fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and former counselor at the Canadian embassy in Beijing David Mulroney believes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is enlisting Chinese citizens or even Chinese Canadians to monitor and promote targeted individuals’ loyalty to China. Pro-democracy groups have become concerned after high-ranking members of the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver and the Canadian Community Service Association appeared in a group picture taken during an 11-day training symposium for recruits. Canadian Friends of Hong Kong believes the volunteer corps is part of CCP’s influence campaign to shape public opinions and interfere with Canadian legislation to defend CCP interests.

#ChinaInfluence #ChinaThreat

Source: National Post (19-Dec-2019)
Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) responded to the fake poster online and 1 Jan March: If there are any conflict, the police must be fully responsible.

According to CHRF's vice- convener Figo Chan during a press conference on Dec 30, the Police Public Relations Branch just contacted him regarding a photoshopped version of CHRF march poster which stated “do not forget about revenge, renovate the city”. They said that if the CHRF does not issue any clarification statement, the representative of the march would face legal consequences. Chan pointed out that the CHRF only formally issues its information on its social media. The police can review the CHRF’s statement themselves and they do not understand what kind of legal consequences the Front would need to worry about. If the police have legal issues with the photoshopped poster, they should conduct their own investigation as opposed to intimidating the organiser.

The CHRF stated that before the police reposted the poster in question, the CHRF did not discover this photoshopped poster on Telegram or any online forum. According to media report, the poster in question was first circulated among the social media group of pro-Beijing supporters. The CHRF questioned the source of the fake poster reposted (by the police).

The message of the photoshopped poster is contrary to the intention of the march organised by the CHRF. It is outrageous to see that the CHRF, as a “victim”, is being threatened by the police. The police should investigate the source of the fake poster, such as looking into pro-Beijing supporters who uploaded this poster, instead of asking CHRF to clarify.

Apart from intimidating the organiser, the police deliberately provoked the citizens at the march on December 8. Their behaviour was extremely unreasonable. At an earlier police press conference, the police admitted (their behaviour) to be “imperfect and there are room for improvement”. Figo Chan hopes the police would exercise restraint on New Year’s Day. If there are any conflict, the police must be fully responsible.

Source: Civil Human Rights Front
#30Dec #PoliceLies #CHRF
From the graphic above, the poster on the left (with a yellow mark) is the original version released by CHRF, whereas the one on the right is the counterfeit version which instigates "renovation" and was first circulated among pro-Beijing groups.

Source: Civil Human Rights Front

Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) responded to the fake poster online and 1 Jan March: If there are any conflict, the police must be fully responsible.
#ArbitraryArrest #MinorityReport
Arbitrary Arrest and Abusive Prosecution: Man Charged for Carrying a hexagon key and spanner

[Editor's note:
The following 3 cases are only a tip of an iceberg, indicating that the situation of arbitrary arrest and abusive prosecution is very serious in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong police have arrested over 7,000 citizens since June, many of which were purportedly based on their subjective judgment]

The following 3 cases were mentioned at the Eastern Magistrates' Court on December 30.

The 3 arrests were made on the same date, November 2, 2019, all for "possessing a tool suitable for illegal use or intending to use it illegally".

That day, pro-democracy district council election candidates lawfully gathered at Victoria Park but were met with police violent crackdown. The following three citizens were arrested separately in the same or neighboring districts:

1. A 25-year-old man was found possessing a hexagon key and a spanner in Wanchai. The prosecution withdrew the charge, as it failed to find out the purpose for the defendant to possess the two items. The defendant was released immediately but no application for costs has been filed.

2. A 16-year-old student was arrested for the possession of a can of naphtha, a spray paint and a black umbrella in Wan Chai. The prosecution stated in court that the inspection of some of the exhibits had been completed, confirming the presence of light naphtha in one of the cans collected by the police. The persecution applied for an adjournment for further investigation to be done.

3. The prosecution alleged that the a 19-year-old man had placed a traffic cone in Causeway Bay, and proposed amending the charge to causing obstruction in public places.

Source: InMedia #30Dec https://www.inmediahk.net/node/1069623
Total arrest on last weekend: 34
- 31 male, 3 female
- Aged 13-50 yrs old

Source: stand news
Perfect illustration of HK Police’s arbitrary arrest and indiscriminate deployment of weapons.
#HongKongPoliceForce #AsiasFinest #MinorityReport #MassArrest