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Protesters' Painting is "the Best Advertisement", Says
#Chickeeduck's CEO

Chickeeduck has a new branch in Tin Hau slated to open soon, with a painting of a protester boldly displayed on its shutters. CEO Herbert Chow said the painting was his favorite part of the new store; since the painting faces the on-ramp to the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, "This is our best advertisement."

He wanted it to be a constant reminder to the government and the people of Hong Kong: "If they hadn't tried to ram the extradition bill through #LegCo last year, would these people have been on the streets?"

He also wanted to challenge the pro-Beijing camp's denigrating description of the pro-democracy protesters as "evil rioters". "If they withdrew the bill on June 12 [when LegCo was scheduled to vote on the extradition bill], no one would need to wear all this gear to protect themselves."

Chickeeduck had caught the attention of Hongkongers when they displayed a statue of Hong Kong's Lady Liberty in one of their branches earlier.

Originally a children's clothing store chain, the new branch will also carry products related to the anti-ELAB movement, such as T-shirts and small replicas of the Lady Liberty statue.

Chow said the store will present more merchandises with artwork from local artists.

Source: InMediaHK.net #Dec10

#HerbertChow #LadyLiberty #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests #ProtestArt #HongKongBrand #YellowEconomy
#PoliceState #Solidarity
HK Police Warns Family and Journalists of Gathering Ban Violation

20-year-old Hongkonger Chan Yi Chun, Zero had been charged with attacking police officers and aiding the escape of three protesters in a police-civilian cinflict on 15 Septermber, 2019 in North Point, Hong Kong. He is nicknamed "Brother Ngok" for wearing a pullover with the character "Ngok" written on it and many netizens have expressed respect for his bravery. In a widely circulated video, Chan was seen returning to aid three civilians and was injured by the police baton himself.

Chan was released from jail on December 31, 2020, with welcome from his parents and girlfriend. His mother held his hands tightly. After his thanks for the work of journalists, he looked relaxed and left by a car.

While the group was waiting for Chan, they were warned by police officers to practise social distancing measures. Otherwise they will be fined by violating the social gathering ban. Chan's mother told the police that she just wanted to pick up his son. Apart from the warning, PPRB officers also marked down the HKIDs of the journalists there.

Source: Stand News #Dec31

#ChanYiChun #BrotherNgok
#Solidarity #NeverForget
Hong Kong Restaurant Gives Free #Candles On the Eve of #June4 Commemoration Day

On June 3, 2021, the restaurant Villa Villa Cafe & Bar, located in North Point, Hong Kong, placed boxes of candle for customers and passersby to take.

The annual candlelight vigil in commemoration of the June 4th #TiananmenMassacre has been banned by the Hong Kong police for the second year. The organizer who had been holding the #vigil in #VictoriaPark since 1990 called on Hongkongers to commemorate the pro-democracy victims of the brutal crackdown by the CCP "in each of their own way".

In their facebook page on June 2, 2021, Villa Villa Cafe & Bar wrote that they "made a wrong order of birthday candles". The restaurant welcomed fellow citizens to take them for free. The remaining candles would be donated to a church nearby.

The person-in-charge of the restaurant Mr Tse told InMedia that "everything's in the heart".

Source: InMedia #Jun3

#YellowEconomy #Conscience
#Solidarity #GlobalSupport
#US Consulate and #EU Office Join #Hongkongers to Mourn on June 4th

On the evening of June 4, 2021, candles are placed on the window side of both the American Consulate General and the European Union Office
in Hong Kong in commemoration of those deceased in the June Fourth #TiananmenMassacre.

Source: Stand News #Jun4
#SupportAppleDaily #Hongkongers
#AppleDaily Staff Bow to Thank Fellow Hongkongers for their Support

Before dawn on Thursday, June 24, 2021, the staff of Apple Daily across different news beat stood solemnly at the entrance of this once most popular newspaper outlet in Hong Kong.

They held in their hand the last print run of Apple Daily and took group photos together.

Then, they bowed to thank HongKongers who came to show their support in the rain.

Photo: Oiyan Chan
Source: Stand News #Jun24

#BeWater #Solidarity #LastDay

Related news:

Hongkongers Proudly Hold Onto the City's Last Printed Copy of Apple Daily


Hongkongers Stay Up Overnight to Buy Apple Daily for One Last Time


Hongkongers in Solidarity with Apple Daily journalists: "We'll not give in"

#Solidarity #Hongkongers
Pro-democracy Optical shop claims no surprise to nuisance and vows no regrets to exhibiting support to #AppleDaily

ipoint Optical is an optical shop in Hong Kong, known for its voluntary service and free eyewear to detained and arrested pro-democracy protesters.

On June 20, 2021, the shop placed a front-page advertisement on Apple Daily, following the police's raid, arrests and the freezing of assets.

Soon after that, the shop has been spitefully harassed, receiving nearly a hundred anonymous phone calls in one morning.

Without much alternative, the shop must stop answering all phone calls which impacted badly on their business operation. The shop called for their customers to contact them via other means.

Owner of the optical shop, Michael expressed that someone put up pro-government posters outside their shop to indicate disagreement, so he was not surprised and concerned about more nuisance.

He reiterated that he took no regrets in putting up an advertisement on Apple Daily. There were also new customers visiting them after seeing the ad, Michael said.

Source: Apple Daily, #Jun20

#YellowEconomy #Optician #Ipoint
#Solidarity #HongKongProtest
Detained Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activist Receives a Marriage Proposal from Activist Boyfriend

The vice-chairwoman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, who is a barrister, was refused bail and was remanded.

She was accused of "inciting others to participate in an unapproved assembly" for promoting the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre commemorative event in 2021.

Chow's partner Ye Du, a Chinese human rights activist and writer, sent his marriage proposal in a letter.

He expressed his feelings of longing. He saying the darkest time before the dawn can be more remarkable in their hearts. Hw also mentioned that this big wave of time disrupted their original imagination to the future, bringing an expected development.

The proposal letter by Ye Du was published in MingPao today.

The letter was written on July 13th, the anniversary of the death of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. Ye Du proposed marriage by letter to Tonyee, mentioning, "You said you want to have a romantic proposal. There always has a strange way to propose. But what is compatible with you being in a small jail and me being in a large jail... What is compatible with having a mutual memory on a special date, the anniversary of the death of Liu Xiaobo? What is compatible and more remarkable to the romantic moment under this darkness before the dawn? Tung, would you marry me?"

Ye Du indicated, "For my soul singing songs as a testimony, for those friends sending you this letter as a testimony, for the prison censors of this letter as a testimony, for whoever reading this letter and caring your situation as a testimony", proposing marriage to Tonyee. "Since now, you are the wind and snow, Spring and Summer. You are the world. Only hope to hold your hands for a lifetime".

Source: Stand News #Jul25

#TonyeeChow #ChowHangTung #YeDu #MarriageProposal #LiuXiaobo #June4th
#Culture #Solidarity #Cantopop
Concert Tickets sold out in 2 minutes, Hong Kong pro-democracy singer #DeniseHO: every chance can be the last chance

Denise HO Wan Si, a Hong Kong popular pro-democracy singer, will have her 7-show concert in September at the Hong Kong Art Centre.

A total of 2,000 tickets were sold out within 2 minutes on 23 August, 2021. HO thanked all her fans in Facebook, "I will honor my soul to give a hug to each and every of you".

On the next day of HO's announcing her concert earlier, HO's closed fellow from the Hong Kong Shield Anthony WONG Yiu Ming, another popular pro-democracy singer, had been arrested for offence of "misconduct in election". Some fans of HO had commented on her social media pages asking her to "leave". HO thus shared her thought, "no one will know what's happening in the next second; in this messy age, we should be firm with ourself and our belief, don't be influenced by tons of things pass-by."

#hongkong #howansi #AnthonyWong #Conscience #hongkongshield #concert #belief

Source: Stand News #Aug13

Newly married pro-democracy activist faces imprisonment for the fourth time, Wong Ho-Ming: will give birth to three after that

The former chairman of the League of Social Democrats Raphael Wong Ho-Ming and other six persons were charged with organizing and taking part in unauthorized assembly on 20 October 2019. Wong was sentenced to 14 months in prison.

Being the only person that outside the wall in the case, Wong interviewed by inmedia.net before going to prison for his fourth time. Wong said, “after getting out from prison, I would try my best to “make men”, I want to have three and my wife wants to have two”.

Wong claimed that “I am insane”, he believes and hopes each democratic family shall give birth to at least three. One of them will participate in the struggle and bear the price of imprisonment, and the other two would take the responsibility of looking after the family.

[Editor’s Note: The term “making men” in Cantonese may have two distinct meanings, one literally meaning “to produce young” and a metaphoric meaning of “being the person you are supposed to be in society”.]

Source: Inmedia #Sept4


#Hongkongers #WongHoMing #Conscience #Integrity #Unafraid
No Regrets to Civil Disobedience after "Watching my Fears Become Reality":
#FigoChan and 7 Pro-Dem Leaders Plead Guilty to Unlawful Assembly

Figo Chan, former convenor of Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF), pleaded guilty to participating and organizing an unlawful assembly on July 1, 2020, the day on which the National Security Law took effect.

Also charged were 7 other pro-democracy leaders, including former legislators Leung Kwok-hung (#LongHair), Wu Chi-wai, and Eddie Chu.

Their case was heard in court on October 7, 2021. Among the eight being charged, seven of them pleaded guilty to the charges, in obedience of the principles of civil disobedience.

In his petition to the court, Chan said that after watching videos of that day's protests, he felt that Hong Kong had become unfamiliar since that day.

"[Hong Kong] only permits voices that support the government, and continually suppresses those who do not," he said. "As a result, numerous political parties and civic organizations disband one after another, Hongkongers have left the city in droves, and freedom and rights due to citizens are gradually disappearing."

"Looking back and watching my fears become reality, how could I regret speaking up through peaceful civil disobedience and protest?"

"May Hongkongers keep hope in our hearts", he added. "Let's hang on to each other and get through these difficult times."

Source: Stand News #Oct7

#CivilDisobedience #NationalSecurityLaw #July1March #Solidarity
#Breaking #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Citizen News announces its closure 5 years after its establishment

Below is the press’ open letter to its readers:

A farewell from Hong Kong Citizen News

Today is 2 Jan 2022, hkcnews has to say goodbye to all our readers 5 years after our establishment.

It is still in our vivid memory that on 1 Jan 2017, hkcnews was established. During the press conference for announcment, many experienced reporters had expressed their concerns over press freedom in Hong Kong, hoping that hkcnews could uphold the spirit of professionaism, stay true to the essence of journalism, and serve the public. During that time, we "hoped that this tiny step we take could gradually encourage the industry to protect the freedom of press".

Then, albeit facing extremely scarce resources, hkcnews slowly made our tiny stpes, paving our way into the news reporting world. We strove our best to cover exclusive news, data analysis, interviews, investigative reports, feature articles, court news, Chinese news, etc.. Although our coverage might not be the broadest, nor the fastest, but this little team of us has never stopped striving for depth and accuracies in our reports.

We started from having only 10 people in our team, now we are proud colleagues of dozens professionals, and from being a nobody, to hearing people saying they have been reading our articles.

It’s been 5 years. We truly thank all for your support.


The first news article of hkcnews, published on 1 Jan 2017.

"Hong Kong Citizen News was born on this special new year because we want you all to remember, regardless of situations, that 'This land we cherish, into our bones this love we’ve etched, happy or sad, in life or death, it's still Hong Kong, our land'."

We all love this place, yet with regret, we are not only facing a storm, but a tornado and tsunami.

We have never forgotten the reason we started. Unfortunately, with the radical change in our society, the environment for journalism has been deteriorating. We can no longer strive for our aim fearlessly.

Right in the eye of the typhoon, the little boat of us is in severe situation of waves and winds. We have to first make sure everyone in hkcnews is safe under such dangerous situation.

Therefore it is with utmost sadness that we announce:

Starting from 4 Jan 2022, Hong Kong Citizen News will cease operation. We will stop updating our websites, which will be shut down sometime later.

We sincerely thank our subscribers and readers for all of your support, which we will hold dearly onto, and remember, forever.

All those we have gone through in the past 5 years will be cherished memories of ours.

Hong Kong Citizen News

Source: Citizen News; #Jan2
#Media #CloseDown #Solidarity #Humanity #PressFreedom #PoliticalOppression #Readers #Hongkongers #WhiteTerror
Hongkongers Express Gratitude to #StandNews

[Editor's notes: The following open letter to Stand News was published by Liber Research, an independent research organization in Hong Kong with a focus on local studies. Liber Research expressed gratitude to Stand News in the past years for defending the freedom of the press and information in Hong Kong.

Stand News was forced to shut down on December 29, 2021 after the Hong Kong authorities arrested 7 current and former senior staff of the news outlet on the same day.]

"Thank you so much, Stand News, for reporting local news and publishing our studies over the years.

The articles, videos, news reports, webcasts, commentaries, investigative reports, and interviews of Stand News enabled our research to be covered every few days.

With the support of Stand News, our work has become all rounded.

Stand News never neglects the burning issues in Hong Kong society. Professional investigations, in-depth interviews, local sensitivity, topical issues, and reflective discussions had defintely made Stand News a legend despite difficult times.

The sudden closure of Stand News will make civic organisations lose their key dissemination platform, impacting on how social reality could be reflected in the long run.

Following the deterioration of the media freedom in Hong Kong this year, Hongkongers can see the changes of information dissemination.

It is quite certain that the closure of Stand News will further restrict information flow with regard to public issues, especially for critical studies. Room for publication with depth and breadth is diminishing.

Regardless, let us wish best of luck to all Stand News journalists. Let us treasure what's left and keep each other in company until the very end.

'As long as local opinions persist, no one can cover the sun with one finger.'"

Source: Liber Research #Dec29

#PressFreedom #Research #Regime #PoliceState
#Solidarity #Resistance
Hong Kong Singers Respond to Difficult Times and Encourage #Hongkongers Not to Give Up Their Beliefs

In the annual Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation organized by Commercial Radio Hong Kong on January 1, 2022, several singers expressed words of encouragement to Hongkongers in their thank you speech, addressing the difficult times faced by the locals.

Vincy Chan whose song was named to one of the Top Ten in 2021, said on stage, "As long as we can cross over, there is a future. Uphold our beliefs, never give up -- we must hang on."

Stephanie Cheng, whose song titled "Drink more water" was named Top 4 in the 2021 music chart, expressed that the past year was a difficult one. She then said, "[we need to] be strong in order to overcome... It doesn't mean there is nothing one can do when in a fragile state. Take good care of ourself, then we will find hope. Hope everyone will not give up."

In response to the immigration wave out of Hong Kong, RubberBand, a local band, received the grand award for a song about farewell called "Ciao". While the drummer Ah Wai said the song is deidicated to all Hongkongers whenever they are, his fellow band member Lai Man added, "the truth will prevail." Ah Wai also expressed hope for reunion one day, despite having said goodbye. At last, vocal "no. 6" Mau Hou Cheong said, "We must live on, no matter you are staying in Hong Kong or you choose to leave. This song is dedicated to all Hongkongers. Thank you, Hongkongers. We are always Hongkongers."

At last, MC $OHO and KidNey, a two-men rapper group which was awarded the Silver Prize in the newcomer (band) catergory, said they need to thank the management of their agency. They continued, "because management is very important. There are so many problems in Hong Kong all because it is not well managed."

Source: CNews #Jan1

#Cantopop #HongKongMusic #HongKongSingers #NeverGiveUp #RubberBand #Trial&Error #VincyChan #StephanieChiang
#Solidarity #Conscience
Hongkongers flock to support pro-democracy bubble tea shop despite #NationalSecurityPolice Presence

In Hong Kong, two staff members of #RoyalTea, a bubble tea shop in Mong Kok that is known for its pro-democracy stance, were taken away by the police on April 11, 2022 to "assist with an investigation".

When the shop reopened on April 14, 2022, about 10 customers patronized it in the first 15 minutes.

A regular customer who came to show support said that the bubble tea shop could be forced to close down for making known its pro-democracy stance.

"I would do whatever I can to show my support when the shop still opens."

A British student in Hong Kong, Sam visited RoyalTea for the first time. Sam said, althought he doesn't know the local political situation well, he has witnessed "a lot of political changes going on in Hong Kong" in the past year. Sam said that the community has been "oppressed".

Sam is hoping to show his support for those still clinging tight to their beliefs in Hong Kong.

Jessica, one of the two staff members being taken away by the police for "investigation" said she felt "terrified and lost" during police investigation.

However, she asked the supporters of the shop not to worry. She also wishes Hongkongers to stay blissful and hopeful for freedom.

Source: Inmediahk, #Apr14

#Oppression #ScareTactics #Regime #PoliceState
#Solidarity #StandwithUkraine
"We Stand with You": Train in Ukrainian Colors Running in Western Japan

A railway operator in the western Japanese city of Takamatsu repainted one of their trains in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, in solidarity with the war-torn country. The train began service in its new colors on April 19, 2022.

Takamatsu-Kotohira Electric Railroad Co., the company operating the train, said on Twitter that they wanted to recognize the staff of Ukrainian railways who continued operating trains to transport civilians to safety, some of them tragically losing their lives amid the ongoing conflict.

The two-car train wrapped in yellow and blue also bore messages saying "We stand with you," "To the Ukrainian railway operators working to protect people's lives-" and "We wish for world peace" on both sides.

Source: Channel C HK, #Apr20

Denise Ho offers encouragements during online concert, sheds tears for those who lost their freedom

On May 22, Hong Kong singer and prominent pro-democracy activist Denise Ho (#HOCC) hosted an online concert, a week after her arrest by National Security Police.

When performing her new song "Dear Black", she sobbed for a long while before she could calm herself down.

Ho explained that she was grieved by those who going through difficult times, both the ones in Hong Kong and those dispersed around the world.

"Some of them are still in Hong Kong, but I could hardly see them," she continued, "because they lost their freedom." She admitted that she cried several times in the past week.

Denise Ho was one of the five trustees of the #612HumanitarianReliefFund. The five were arrested by Hong Kong National Security Police on May 11 for alleged “collusion with foreign forces”.

The Fund provided legal and financial assistance to more than 2,200 people prosecuted for their part in the 2019 pro-democracy protests. It had ceased operations in 2021 after police announced it was under investigation, and requested administrators to provide details on its donors.

Toward the end of the concert, Ho comforted her supporters, saying, "the happiest moments in life are when you are walking steadfastly, and certain that you know what you are doing, and you have no regrets."

#PoliticalOppression #June4 #612HumanitarianFund #HOCC

Source: Inmediahk; #May22
#Solidarity #June4
Tiananmen vigil events across globe in solidarity with Hong Kong

"The Chinese government’s concerted efforts to erase the Tiananmen crackdown from history have spread to Hong Kong since the national security law was enacted in the city in 2020. But the atrocities of 4 June 1989 must never be forgotten,” Hana Young, Amnesty International’s East Asia deputy regional director, said in a statement.

Amnesty International and other rights groups have planned events and memorials overseas. Vigils will be held in cities such as San Francisco and Washington DC in the US, Seoul in South Korea, Taipei in Taiwan, Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, Sydney in Australia, Oslo in Norway, Paris in France, Amsterdam in the Netherlands and London in the UK.


Source: Amnesty International; #May26
#FirstHand #June4
Remembering June 4th in #Japan

On June 4, 2022, pro-democracy Hongkongers gathered in Shinjuku, Tokyo to commemorate the victims of the 1989 #TiananmenMassacre in Beijing. This year flags and installations supporting Hong Kong's prodemocracy movement were also seen.

Similar commemorative events had been held in Hong Kong until the enforcement of the #NationalSecurityLaw in 2020.

#Solidarity #NeverForget #Remembrance

Related News:
Assembly in #London: #Hongkongers and #Ulkranians In Solidarity
#FirstHand #June4
Assembly in #London: #Hongkongers and #Ulkranians In Solidarity

Photo album: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/32822

At Downing Street, London on June 4th, 2022, Hongkongers and Ukrainians organized a fight against dictatorship assembly. The solidarity movement voices support for the fight for freedom across mainly Hongkongers and Ukrainians.

Exiled activist #NathanLaw, a former legislator in Hong Kong and the founder of #Demosisto, was the first guest speaker of the event. He said to the crowd, "no matter where we are from, we are all escaping from the dictatorship regime."

He said that not only Ukrainians but also Hongkongers have been following the Russian invasion news.

Carman Lau Ka-Man, a former Wong Tai Sin District Councillor in 2019, was the next one to speak, urging overseas Hongkongers to do more when they were able to and to help those in Hong Kong who are suffering in jail or under suppression.

"Perhaps 1989 seems quite long ago, but let's not forget what we did in the year of 2019."

#BenedictRoger, the founder of #HongKongWatch, brings a yellow umbrella to the event, saying the umbrella is not only for rainy weather, but also to symbolise the dignity of the people who fight for democracy and the movement against dictatorship regime.

A Ukrainian representative spoke and emphasised that Ukraine is a geographic buffer between Russia and Europe, protecting the whole Europe from Russia. She urged the world to stop using fuel supplied by Russia in order to stand with Ukraine.

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Remembering June 4th in

#Resistance #Solidarity #FightForFreedom #RussianInvasion #CCP
As Hong Kong clamps down, ‘burden of remembering’ #TiananmenMassacre shifts overseas

// In the decades since the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing on June 4, 1989, one of the most indelible images associated with the event, alongside “Tank Man” and the Goddess of Democracy statue, has been a sea of candles, lighting up the night.

Every year, tens of thousands gathered in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park to commemorate the dead and echo their calls for democracy in China.

No more. The 30th anniversary of the massacre in 2019 was the last time it was marked by a mass gathering in Hong Kong. Memorials since then have been banned on coronavirus grounds, as is the case this year, with public gatherings still limited to four people...

“With the last symbol of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech in Hong Kong being taken away it is crucial for Hong Kongers and all persons of conscience around the world to pick up the torch and make sure that the flame of freedom and democracy remain burning,” said Mabel Tung, chair of the Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (#VSSDM), a group founded by Chinese Canadians in support of the 1989 protests.

...Amnesty International said it is arranging events in more than 20 cities this year, and will call on participants not only to remember those killed in Beijing, but also “stand in solidarity with those in Hong Kong whose peaceful acts of commemoration are now criminalized.”

In Asia, one of the largest memorials will be in Taipei, where organizers plan to unveil a replica of the “Pillar of Shame,” a statue commemorating the Tiananmen victims that was forcibly removed from Hong Kong last year...//

Source: Globe and Mail #June3

Read the full article:

#Remembrance #Solidarity #Overseas #Resistance #Diaspora #Hongkongers