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Hong Kong Protests
A 19-yrs-old male was charged with possession of offensive weapon (a laser pen) on Nov 2, 2019 in Causeway Bay. Judiciary has agreed to drop the charge, the defendant has to sign a probation order of 12 months and pay for $500 court costs.
Source: apple daily
Hong Kong Protests
A 17-yrs-old student found NOT guilty for possession of offensive weapon or instrument fit for unlawful purpose(a hook, a wrench, 3 screw nuts, 50 metal wires).
The judge did not accept the statement from the police officer, because the police was not able to provide full description of the event.

The student was arrested on Nov 12, 2019 in a toilet in Kennedy Town.
Source: stand news
Hong Kong Protests
A 22-yrs-old female was charged with assaulting police officer at PolyU campus on Nov 11, 2019, the plain-cloth officer tripped by himself and accused the female for the crime.

Judiciary has agreed to drop the charge, there was a video showing the defendant never touched the officer and the officer fell by himself.
Source: inmedia hk
Hong Kong Protests
A 24-yrs-old male found Guilty for assaulting police officer and possession of anything with intent to damage property.
He was arrested on Oct 26, 2019 in Shatin, trying to run away from police chase and threw a paint spray can at an officer, tried to push away the officer when being subdued, and there was paint spray can found in his backpack.
He had been detained for 11 days.

He is sentenced to 120 hours community service for each charge, sentences are to run concurrently.
Source: @youarenotalonehk_live
Hong Kong Protests
A 19-yrs-old was charged with posseassing any instrument fit for unlawful purposes and possession of anything with intent to damage property. (Oct 27, 2019 in Kowloon City)

Judiciary has agreed to drop the charge, the defendant has to sign a probation order of 24 months and pay for court costs.
Source: @youarenotalonehk_live
#GatheringBan #FailedState
Hong Kong government’s new requirements to reduce public gathering seem to be illogical and unscientific. They are suspected to be a means to restrict political activities
Hong Kong Protests
An 18-yrs-old was charged with obstruction in public places in Nov 11, 2019 in Shatin.
There were protesters setting up roadblocks, police arrested the male and found googles and face shield in his backpack.

Judiciary has agreed to drop the charge, the defendant has to sign a probation order of 12 months and pay for $1000 court costs.
Source: @youarenotalonehk_live
#PressConference #SexualViolence
Victim of Sexual Violence by the Police Urges Hongkongers to Speak Up Against Injustice

A press conference was held at the headquarters of The Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union on June 22, 2020. An underaged female student, K, spoke of her experiences of the police's verbal and sexual abuse after her arrest on September 25, 2019.

After K was arrested in a shopping mall, several police officers insulted her with profanity that demeant women and a female officer "grabbed" her breast several times. K was appalled by the police behaviour even in the public. She then heard that she was dehumanized into a "piece" in a conversation between the police.

At the police station, K's request to the bathroom was repeatedly denied. K told the police that she has human rights. This triggered a series of insult from the police: A female officer said to her, "Human rights are based on freedom, but you are a criminal. Here, we have a say in your freedom. You'd better keep quiet," while a male police officer mocked K by saying "I have human rights!"

K was finally allowed to go to the bathroom but only one hour later. At the toilet, she was directly gazed at by a female officer. K requested her privacy to be respected, but the officer claimed it was part of the protocol.

K requested to call her lawyer and family for at least 6 times but was never granted. Even worse, K had to face a third-degree body search, which required to have all her clothes removed. During the search, a female officer leant very close to K's chest and private parts while humiliating her with insults.

K was brought back to her home for a search by a male police officer, but without the company of her family or lawyer. K felt completely terrified during the search.

After all these happenings, K was traumatized and made three attempts to commit suicide including jumping into the rails. K was diagnosed with PTSD. Nonetheless, she chose to speak up to let other victims of police violence know that they were not alone and they should not blame themselves as they had done nothing wrong.

K wanted to send a message to all Hongkongers that one should speak up when facing injustice.

While K will face a trial in Shatin Magistrates Courts at 14:30 on July 21, the Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union is launching an official complaint to the police about the case.

Image: Internet
Source: Press Conference
#Jun22 #Student #MeToo #PoliceBrutality
2006 Lai Chi Kok
Blue warning flag to disperse the crowd outside detention centre, chanting support for the jailed social worker.
Hong Kong Outbreak:
16 more imported cases from Pakistan.
#ProtestersVoice #SocialWorker
A letter from Lau Ka-tung - the first social worker imprisoned for performing his duty on protesting scenes

Social worker Lau Ka-tung has been involved in many ways in pro-democracy movements. He missed the opportunity to take part in Legislative Council (LegCo) election this year as he initially planned when he was convicted of obstructing police officer performing from his duty and harshly sentenced for a one-year imprisonment. In prison cell, Ka-tung reminded Hongkongers that belief is invincible. Even when being entrapped within four walls, Ka-tung is determined to stand alongside protesters to defend social justice.

Read Ka-tung’s letter to Hongkongers:
Hong Kong news updates pinned «Teen protester accuses police of sexual assault https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1533444-20200622.htm»
Hong Kong Protests
A 27-yrs-old chef plead guilty for obstruction in public places, (putting foam boxes in the road as roadblocks on Feb 4, 2020 in Mong Kok), sentenced to 160 hrs of community service.
Source: in media hk
Hong Kong Protests
A 19-yrs-old and a 21-yrs-old volunteer first-aiders plead guilty for possession of Mobile Radio System without license (walkie-talkie on Sept 21 in Tuen Mun), sentenced to $6000 fines for each, one of them also sentenced to extra $500 fines for failure to produce proof of identity.
Source: stand news