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Hong Kong news updates pinned «Liaison Office 'not subject to Article 22' https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1521237-20200417.htm»
Forwarded from 民間記者會頻道 Citizens' PC
Barking up the Wrong Tree: HKers Remain Unthreatened by the CCP’s Political Scaremongering

The Chinese Communist leadership delivered a timely comic relief today by declaring that Article 22 of the Basic Law does not apply to the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government or the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council in Hong Kong.

Within a time frame of a week, state-owned organs responsible for Hong Kong affairs have continually called out pro-democracy lawmakers, most notably Dennis Kwok, in a joint force with the pro-establish legislators within the administration. Within the House Committee, these cacophonous and unfounded accusations rebound between its walls. However, debates have remained stagnant to the pro-democracy camp’s favour. This shows that these messy statements by the pro-Beijing camp remain limited in power and effect - democracy and reason have not been fazed.

The Liaison Office and the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, in their pathetic attempt to seize the seat of the Chair of House for their colleagues, went down as far as to ‘interpret’ the constitution of Hong Kong, and proclaimed that the two offices are outside the bounds of the practice area of Article 22 of the Basic Law, effectively declaring that they belong not to any of the ‘departments of the Central People's Government’. This manoeuvre is not only disastrously comical, but also reveals how their usual dictatorial, ‘rule-by-law’ practices in the light of both local and international scrutiny.

The Citizens’ Press Conference would like to take this chance to elucidate the difference between constitutional and ordinary law. The constitution acts as a contract between the people and the ruling body and empowers the people to check the powers that be. On the other hand, ordinary laws are to be abided by by all, and serve the purpose to keep peace within society. The Basic Law is the constitutional document for Hong Kong, and clarifies the extent of the Central People’s Government’s power in Hong Kong, as well as that of the civil liberties of the people of Hong Kong.

Ever since the Handover, the Chinese Communist Party has been unlawfully extending their power within the Hong Kong territory and reducing the strength of the check placed on it by the constitution. By acting as if they are above all laws, Hong Kong ushers in an era of absolute autocracy, as these acts bleaches the supremacy of our very own constitution, as well as its reasons to exist.

The reason why totalitarian powers do not reflect on its own deeds is that they are unaccountable to their people. In our days to come, we will only be further oppressed by the Chinese Communists, and the persecution will only be more bleak, apparent, and extensive. The Citizens’ Press Conference understands how indignant we all feel. May we turn this anger into a blazing flame that sees us through the darkness and empowers us on all fronts against totalitarianism, until we reclaim our homeland and make it truly ours.

The enemy has declared war on the people of Hong Kong - it has been duly received, and they will be met with only determination and wisdom. Flying the banner of righteousness and resistance, we are ready, as ever, to fight to our deaths in the name of freedom and democracy.

Bilingual Statement:


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Police arrested more than 10 political activists at their homes, related to illegal assembly last year.

- Jimmy Lai (apple daily owner)
- Leung Kwok Hung ( long hair)
- Chan Ho Wun ( civic human rights front vice chair)
- Raphael Wong Ho Ming (LSD)
- Avery Ng Man Yuen ( LSD)
- Au Lok Hin (ex- lawmaker)
- Lee Chuk Yan (ex- lawmaker)
- Choi Yiu Cheong
- Yeung Sum
- Sin Chung Kai (ex- lawmaker)
- Ho Chun Yan ( ex- lawmaker)
- Matthew Lee Chu Ming ( ex- lawmaker)
- Ho Sau Lan( labour party)
- Ng Oi Yi(ex- lawmaker)
- Leung Yiu Chung (lawmaker )
Hong Kong news updates pinned «Police arrested more than 10 political activists at their homes, related to illegal assembly last year. Including: - Jimmy Lai (apple daily owner) - Leung Kwok Hung ( long hair) - Chan Ho Wun ( civic human rights front vice chair) - Raphael Wong Ho Ming…»
Hong Kong Outbreak:
2 new cases today,
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