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Staff in Queen Elizabeth Hospital had reported feeling unwell after inhaling of tear gas near hospital area.
The hospital had carried out thorough cleaning and renewed the filters.
The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act has passed the U.S. Senate.
Stampede in Yau Ma Tei on November 18

Read the report: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/11898

Photo / Kaiser@ USP United Social Press #YauMaTei #Nov18 #Stampede
Religious Figures and HKU President Zhang Xiang Leaves PolyU After Making No Progress

At 2am on November 20, Auxillary Bishop of Hong Kong Joseph Ha expressed that he and Reverend Tin-Yau Yuen arrivied at 10pm at PolyU campus to speak with protesters who are staying behind. They were unsuccessful in getting anyone to leave with them.

Additionally, HKU President Zhang Xiang claimed that he came to show goodwill to students. He left after failing to convince anyone to leave.

Source: Inmedia #Nov20
19 Arrested near #PolyU All Charged with Rioting --One Arrestee Claimed He was Beaten by Mandarin-speaking Officer

[Nov 19] During the siege of PolyU on Sunday (Nov 17), the Hong Kong police arrested and charged all who attempted to leave the campus with “rioting”. Citizens organized to rescue those trapped and engaged in clashes with the police.

These 19 people arrested were at 5am on November 18 at Cheong Wan Road near PolyU were mentioned in court the next day after their arrest. Most were injured. A secondary school student recalled that a male police officer, masked, threatened to rape him in 'San Uk Leng'. Another stated that a Mandarin-speaking "police officer" with no badge hit and kicked his head. One said that their medical personnel badge was gone after presenting it as evidence.

Source: Inmedia
HKT07:13 #Nov20
U.S. Senate passes Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019

Here are highlights of the speeches delivered by selected senators, all addressing the crisis in Hong Kong and the threat of China to freedom and democracy:

Marco Rubio, R-Florida:
“I hope the people of Hong Kong know that they have served as an inspiration to the World.”

Bob Menendez, D-New Jersey:
"Time is of the essence...People are being shot. Universities are being burned...This is not the Hong Kong that anyone wants to see. The vibrancy of Hong Kong...should inspire all of us."

Rick Scott, R-Florida:
“It’s Hong Kong now, then it'll be Taiwan...Is this the next Tiananmen Square?

Josh Hawley, R-Missouri:
"To those trapped inside PolyU...what you are doing has moved this body. What you are doing is changing the world."

Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee:
"We are standing with them [people of Hong Kong] ...it's important to know that China has really earned its place as the world's most notorious human rights violator."

"We know what their [China] ambitions are... to dominate Hong Kong, to dominate Taiwan, to dominate the surrounding region... and eventually to dominate internationally…[and what’s happening in Hong Kong] serves as a reminder of the horrors, horrors of authoritarian rule."

Ted Cruz, R-Texas:
"The people in Hong Kong are engaged in an existential battle for liberty!”

Charles Schumer, D-New York:
"Xi, your suppression of freedom in Hong Kong or Northwest China will not stand!"

"History has shown that always fails, Xi ... the Chinese system will either change, or fail!"

#HumanRightsAct #FightforFreedom #StandwithHongKong #GlobalSupport
Over 200 Charged with Rioting in Attempt to Rescue Demonstrators Trapped in PolyU

On Monday night, over 200 demonstrators were arrested on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui in an attempt to 'rescue' the defending demonstrators in PolyU, besieged by the Hong Kong Police. Molotov cocktails were thrown and a long standoff was held between demonstrators and the police.

It was the second day of the 'Siege of PolyU' and civilians attempted to surround the police formation outside PolyU by circling Tsim Sha Tsui, Jordan and Ho Man Tin. Reports claimed that 213 were arrested in Pitt Street after a alleged stampede incident that occured at around 3AM, caused by the police running a bus into a crowd of demonstrators. This was swiftly denied by the police at the press conference despite video evidence of the incident.

The 200 arrested and charged with rioting would be the single most incident with the highest number of demonstrators prosecuted since the movement began. The hearing will begin on 20/11 in West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts.
