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WHO Acknowledged “Diction Error” in Risk Assessment of Coronavirus on Regions and the World

On Jan 27, the World Health Organisation revised the risk assessment of Wuhan pneumonia in China to "very high risk” while its risk to regions and the world to “high”. The report states in a footnote that there was a “diction error” in previous reports published on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th stating global risk as “moderate”.

Antoine Flahault of the Swiss School of Public Health criticised that during an interview by AFP ,” This is a mistake, it is definitely a blunder ... I really think it is a grave mistake, and it has been corrected now.”

Harvard University Public Health Specialist Eric Feigl-Ding expressed on Twitter that the new coronavirus is severe and he called on WHO to include it as soon as possible in an international public health emergency.

Source: Stand News #Jan28
#ChinesePneumonia #Wuhan #GlobalOutbreak #WHO
Tedros addresses criticism against China coronavirus response

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General, who was coughing throughout the nearly hour-long press briefing, said "I cannot say they hid or they didn’t but if you see some of the information we have, the number of cases outside of China [is] very small." during a press conference on Wednesday in Geneva, Switzerland, in response to a question referring to comments made by John MacKenzie, emeritus professor at Curtin University in Australia, and a member of the emergency committee of the International Health Regulations advising the WHO chief on the 2019-nCoV outbreak.

Full Article: https://www.devex.com/news/tedros-addresses-criticism-against-china-coronavirus-response-96518

#WHO #Coronavirus #Tedros
#CensorshipKills #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits";
Many Countries Unprepared Due to WHO's Slow Response

The naming of the novel coronavirus has stirred up disputes, as China opposed the insertion of "Wuhan" despite that it is the origin of the virus.

Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, a SARS expert and microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, and honorary assistant professor, Lung chun-bong contributed an article to Ming Pao on March 18. They wrote that using Wuhan coronavirus or Wuhan pneumonia in daily communication and media coverage is for the sake of mass communication. The name is easier for the public to understand, compared to the formal term adopted in scientific debates or academic discussions.

Yuen and Lung expressed that during the 2013 SARS outbreak, coronavirus was found in civet cat, leading to an outright ban of game meat trading in China; however, 17 years later, the game meat market is flourishing in China. In other words, China seemed to have forgotten the hard lesson of SARS epidemic. Yuen and Lung criticized the behavior allowing fresh game meat to become food delicacy in modern cities as eye-popping.

The article pointed out directly that the South China seafood wholesale market in Wuhan was the origin of the coronavirus. The virus was spread through cross-infection and mutated from its natural host to an intermediate host and to human being, eventually causing human-to-human infection.

The Wuhan Coronavirus was described in the article as an "outcome of Chinese bad habits" which include the "indiscriminate hunt of wild animals, inhuman treatment of animals, and lack of respect for life". The article concluded that should such culture remain, SARS 3.0 would certainly breakout in some ten years later.

In response to China's statement that the virus was originated in the United States, the article criticized such statement as "unsubstantiated", "self-deceiving" and should be stopped to avoid making fool of themselves.

The article also criticized "the World Health Organization for being slow in its decision to declare a pandemic of COVID-19". As a result, many countries are left insufficiently prepared in anti-epidemic measures vulnerable for the disease. For the time being only Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are better guarded for virus attack.

[Editor's note: In the evening of March 18, Mingpao said Yuen and Lung withdrew their article from the newspaper and that Yuen said that scientists should not get involved with politics. See Stand News Report.]

Sources: Ming Pao; Stand News
#Mar18 #WuhanPneumonia #WHO #China #CoronavirusPandemic #GameMeatDelicacy
Media is too big
#WHO #ChinesePneumonia #ChinesePropaganda
Australian News Program: WHO Promotes China's Interest and Propaganda

Source: Sky News, Australia